Chapter Twenty One - Shopping

Start from the beginning

"Duke told Riley that?" I asked, edging for more

She nodded "Yeah"

"Do you think he'd ever change for that stuff?" I asked, curious

"I would. But Duke is a very confusing man, I honestly have no idea what he would do. But if I was him, and if I was as madly in love with you as he is, I sure as hell would" She winked

"You'd change into a human if you had the chance?" I asked

"Yeah, I mean, I like being what I am, but i've had enough you know? I just want to have a normal life again, grow old, feel my stomach growl when it's hungry, feel the warmth in my skin again, fall pregnant, have a child, watch them grow up, die" She pondered, day dreaming

"You want all those things to happen?" I asked, surprised

"Yeah" She smiled as we left the clothing shop we were in, again empty handed

"Jaymi, what if I offered to give you that?" I asked, thinking hard about it.

She wanted a normal human life, and I could give it to her. I was being selfish, I could help, I could give her another chance at a human life that she so desperatly wanted.

She seemed just as shocked as I was with the words, she stopped dead in her tracks and stared at me with eyes wide.

"You would honestly do that for me?" She asked, narrowing her eyes

I nodded "Yeah, I mean, I want you to be happy, I want to give you what would be a normal human fragile life, you could have kids, a family, I could give you all of that" I shrugged, thinking of how proud I'd be to see her with a family and a big belly

"I don't think I could, I mean, it would kill you, I'd need a lot of blood and I would feel guilty about it afterwards, and what if I make the wrong choice and -"

"We could plan it out. Bit by bit, and I highly doubt you'd make the wrong choice, you're a smart girl, you want what you want" I smiled

"Let's not talk about this at the moment okay? Let's just enjoy shopping" She smiled after she seemed to think about it "Anyway, Duke wouldn't allow it in the end, so I doubt it'd happen"

She continued walking and I followed beside her.

"Besides, it is not his choice, it's mine" I added before dropping the conversation

The rest of the shopping was fun. We browsed at many clothing shops, and jewellery shops, none of which I bought things from, much to Jaymi's dismay.

We walked around for a good two hours until we thought we'd catch back up with Riley at the food court where he was sitting alone, many girls around the area having eye sex with him.
Jaymi didn't seem to mind, I did suppose she knew he was hers and she was his, that was all that mattered.

"Have fun?" Riley asked as we sat at the small round table in the middle of the court

"Yeah, it was" Jaymi smirked, tossing the few bags of clothes she'd bought under the table next to her feet

"Looks like it" He smiled sarcastically towards the bags before turning his gaze to my empty feet "And where's yours?" He asked, tilting his head

I shrugged "Nothing I liked"

"She means she was uncomfortable about letting me spend money on her" Jaymi interjected

"Ah, that sounds about right" Riley smirked, leaning forward

"Whatever" I smiled, rolling my eyes "However, I am starving, so I will let you buy me some lunch" I added, sarcastically smiling at Riley

"Yeah Jaymi, I am a bit hungry too" Riley looked at her with a wide grin

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