3 | Lovely Mess

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She was a wreck; undoubtedly a lovely one, but still a wreck.

He didn't bother hiding the low chuckles deep into his throat as she twirled into the living room, her hair a mess and her feet tied up by an invisible rope, making her thrash into every tangible object in the premisis. Knowing her, she would laugh at herself too - probably three times as hard. And for this reason, he loved her even more so.

He never minded the existence of one's insecurities. He quite actually enjoyed the knowledge that he was needed somehow; to lift people up and teach them to reach the sky on the their own. But to have someone that exerted this type of self reliance, someone like her, that blew his whole world.

She grabbed his hand in such a way that made him feel less than he was, because he was a spark but she was a collision of fireworks that left every pair of eyes in awe. She took the lead and he followed, like a love struck fool.
Bashfully, confidently, deeply, her steps led back to his door, no thought of hesitation lingering in her persona.

This wasn't right, but she and him were skin and bone. This wasn't right, but her words worked like ones of a siren, and he was most certainly being led to his death. This wasn't right, but she'd turned him into a barbarian, a form of man before chivalry, with the rumbles escaping her toungue. But he felt for her something greater than skin, words, and oh, nothing in the timeline of modern and prehistoric times could ever describe the emotion he had for her.

It took every fiber in his being to take hold of her slender hands, putting them to a halt before they could push him to destruction. Her eyes shut softly and fluttered gracefully, making a mental portrait of the love in his eyes. She gazed at them just enough to make a replica in her own, one of perfect symmetry.

As soon as he lost his grasp, her fingertips ran golden streaks down his cheek and to his chest. With silent, shaky breaths, they laid down on the plush, cream sheets, strings of her midnight hair scribbling poems onto his torso. She found a home in his arms, and he took her in, allowing every crevice of him fall into her cracks with upturned lips. And so he drifted to an alternate universe with her wrapped around him, his heart overflowing with content.

Because this right here, this was enough.

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