1 | The Galaxies of Them

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He was just a boy; nothing special, nothing new, just a boy.

He sheltered his eyes from the strings of sunlight embracing him in the morning and dug his hands into his faded jean pockets as he walked to school. He was nothing special, nothing new, just a boy.

But, this boy, he had this fascination with the stars. Though he shields himself from the brightness of the sun, he runs towards the specks in the night sky, his eyes as wide as his arms. He couldn't help but wonder how it felt to be such a wonder, to be gazed upon by millions and acquainted with the moon. His hands fumbled on his window sill, collecting dirt onto his fingertips like it was stardust. He leaned his head into the cold autumn air, feeling the stars tug at his hair and enter his lungs.

Here, he was but a boy. He was a luminous mixture of hydrogen and helium. Something different, something ethereal, not dull and bland. He was every extremity at full force. But then he'd fall back down to earth, the smallest hint of a smile grazing his lips, and he watched the lights from afar, knowing that this here was where he belonged.

She was just a girl; nothing special, nothing new, just a girl.

She wore a tight smile on her face, suffocating her every so often. However, she resealed it with pink gloss, her eyes feeling heavy and her heart feeling empty, though no one could ever tell. All they saw was a wonder, a piece of artwork displayed on a showcase and admired.

See, here's the thing about wonders- everyone knows they're a lovely sight, but no one ever sees what's inside. They were statues made of bricks that were ready to collapse into dust, paintings so fragile that one touch was enough to make them fade. It is true what they say; the most beautiful things are the most broken.

So, every night, she'd break apart, removing the smile on her face and wiping off the gloss, trying to wash away her sadness with pure water. She'd never enjoyed the sight of her bare face, but today she took a step closer to it. She viewed herself deeply, her hands shaky and her breath uneven as the urge to look away surged into her stomach. How she wished to be a true wonder, one which resembled the stars.

In the moment, however, she traced her freckles with her fingers, finding that it matched the same pattern of Cassiopeia. Her eyes lit up in glee, the golden flecks in her irises dancing. Right now, she was but a girl. She was something remarkable, something ineffable, not hollow and grey. Her laugh echoed through the walls as she turned away from the constellations on her face, walked over to her window, and breathed.

He was just a boy and she was just a girl, both wishing to be a wonder that illuminated the earth around them. They wanted to be one with the stars, dancing in the heavens, beautiful and free.

But, little did they know, the stars envied them. He was just a boy and she was just a girl, nothing special, nothing new - they were much more than that.

For the stars were luminous and bright, but they had galaxies within them.

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