Chapter 4: The Arrival

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"Here it is!" Mr. Diaz exclaimed.
Marco walked out of the car and looked over at the shabby wooden cabin they would be staying at for the next few days. He imagined what he'd be doing if only that pamphlet didn't come in the mail: Partying with Jackie... Hanging out with his friends... Star grabbed him by the hand in the midst of his thoughts and dragged him inside with her.
"This is gonna be so fun!" She cheerfully commented as she walked through the door.
The inside was detailed and quite large. As they explored, they found two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a small living room with a broken TV, a closet, and a strange bookcase which covered most of the main entrance. They settled and unpacked in one of the bedrooms, which had a bunk bed.
"Let's go adventure!" Mrs. Diaz suggested. "I read there's a really cool tour around here!"
"A tour?" Marco thought. "Ugh, how could this day get any worse?"
He tried to convince otherwise, but of course, he was outvoted.
A few minutes later, they all stood in front of a house labeled... The 'Mystery Hack'?
"Soos! We got tourists!" A man yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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