Chapter 12 doctors appointment

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Ashton's POV
Today I was taking Bella to the doctors office for her shots since I was home for a couple of days,luke was coming with us because Bella wanted him too and she wouldn't leave without him.

We got in the car and headed to the doctors office Bella was scared and luke brought her inside I followed she said " I don't want to daddy." I said "you need them to be healthy." She said "but they're going to hurt me." Her eyes were getting watery I said "baby I won't let them hurt you okay it will only hurt for a second." She nodded I signed her in and then we waited for the doctor to call us back.

A couple mintues later they called us back and said "mr Irwin the doctor is ready for you." I was now holding Bella and Luke followed us into the room the nurse took us in and said "the doctor will be here shortly." I said "thanks." She smiled and then left.

Then the doctor came in and she said "so this is Bella right?" I said "yeah." She said "alright I'm going to get the shots she needs 6 of them today." I said "okay." She left and went to get them Bella was shaking like crazy and said "no I don't want them no." I picked her up and hugged her and said "shhh your going to be fine want me or uncle Luke to hold you?" She sniffled and said "y-you." I said "okay." I sat in the chair with her on my lap and then the doctor came in and sat next to us Bella said "no." And moved her arm away I said "Bella the quicker you get this over with the quicker we can leave just hold my hand and look at me you'll be fine." She nodded and the doctor put the rubbing alcohol on it then the doctor said "on the count of three I'll do it one two three." One down 5 to go Bella said "it wasn't that bad." I said "see."

Then he did the other 5 and she was fine I said "good job baby." She smiled then we walked out and she got a sticker and a lollypop, Then we headed to the car Luke got in the drivers seat and I got Bella in her seat then sat in the passenger seat we were now off to the studio we got there and parked the car.

I got Bella out of her seat and we walked inside we said hi to the fans and then walked in. We walked to the studio and the others were there I put Bella down and she ran to Michael he said "how'd it go?" I said "better than I thought it was going to go she didn't even flinch." Michael looked at her and said "wow good job princess."And she gave him a high five.

After we were done recording we headed to a restaurant to get some food, we walked there once we got there we waited to be seated. Once we were seated we order our drinks and talked then a couple minutes later we order our food, once it arrived we ate after we were done we talked then we paid the check and left a tip then we left.

We headed back to the car and drove home, we got home and Bella went in the backyard she was playing on her swing set, I was watching her from the window. Then she came in and watched tv with us, at 6:00 I made dinner for everyone once I was done I called everyone in.

They all came in and we ate after we were done  luke brought Bella upstairs while I cleaned the dishes.

                             Luke's POV
I brought Bella upstairs and she said "uncle luke my arm hurts." I said "it's going to hurt for a little while but it'll feel better want me to kiss it?" She nodded I kissed her arm, and said "all better?" She nodded I got her undress and put her in the bath I turned the water on and washed her body and hair.

After that I wrapped her in a big fluffy towel, then I took her to her room and got her pjs on, then I brought her downstairs and she watched tv. At 8:00 I said "alright little one time for bed." She said "otay." She said "good night daddy good night uncle Michael and  good night uncle cal." The boys said "good night bel." She hopped out of my arms and gave them a hug and kiss goodnight, then I brought her up to her room and she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Then she came back out and climbed into her bed I kissed her head and said "good night Bella sweet dreams." She said "good night uncle Luke." I turn her nightlight on and then turned off her light, I closed her door and went back downstairs we watched a movie then a 12:00 we all headed to our rooms we said goodnight then I headed into my room I got my pjs and went into the bathroom and took a shower, after that I got my pjs on and brushed my teeth then I climbed into my bed and fell to sleep.

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