Chapter 6 meeting new people

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                           Niall's POV
The boys were coming over today Eleanor was coming with them too, to hang out and Bella hasn't met them yet so this will be the first time she met them right now she was watching tv in the living room when the boys and Eleanor walked in Louis said "this must be Bella right?" She ran behind my legs and nodded he said "awe she's adorable Ashton better watch out for the boys that will be all over her when she's older." I said "oh trust me he will." Then I said "Bella theses are your uncles uncle Louis, uncle Liam and uncle Harry and your aunt Eleanor ." She waved and they awed Eleanor said "Lou I want one." He chuckled and said "you can spoil this one until then." then she went back on the couch Louis sat next to her and Eleanor sat on the other side they talked then Bella said "can we go to the park please uncle Ni?" I said "sure but first you have to get dress and ready for the day and put your shoes on too." She squealed and said "otay aunt Eleanor come help me!!!" She ran upstairs Eleanor followed Eleanor helped her pick out her clothes then Eleanor helped her put them on they then walked  into the bathroom and she brushed her teeth while Eleanor brushed her hair she said "can you make a braid?" Eleanor said "sure." Eleanor did her hair they walked back downstairs then she got her shoes on and said "let's go slow pokes I don't have all day." I said "alright alright we're coming calm down little munchkin." I opened the door and we walked to the park since there was one 2 blocks away, we got there and Bella ran dragging Eleanor to the playground with her me and the lads watched as she played  with Eleanor she came over to us and said "come play with us." We got up and went to play with her she was hanging on the monkey bars she wanted to do them by her self I was close by just Incase she fell she got to the second one and tried to get the thrid but she missed and fell off she screamed I ran over to her with the others she was crying I picked her up and said "where does it hurt?" She pointed to her knee she had a scrap on it I said "okay let's go home and get it cleaned up." We walked home and went to the bathroom and cleaned her knee she was moving a lot when I tried to put the medicine on her knee and she was screaming and crying Louis took her and said "hey shhh your okay uncle ni is just going to clean your cut okay?" She nodded and held Harry's hand I cleaned her knee and she whimpered I said "I know princess I know." I then put a 5SOS bandaid on her knee she stopped crying and smiled at her knee and laughed and said "daddy." And pointed at the Ashton bandaid on her knee I smiled and said "yeah that's daddy." She then looked down and said "miss him." And started crying again I took her from Louis and said "I know I know want to talk to him?" She stopped and sniffled and nodded I got my phone out and texted him asking him if he could FaceTime, a couple minutes later he text back saying "yeah sure but I'm with the boys." I texted back saying "that's fine she misses them too." I called him and gave the phone to Bella she held it and Ashton's face popped up she giggled and said "daddy!!!" Ashton said "hey baby girl. How are you?"

                 Bella's POV
Daddy was on uncle ni's phone I said "daddy." He said "hi baby girl how are you?" I giggled and said "daddy I got a boo boo." He said "where?" I showed him my knee and he said "awe baby girl what happened?" I said " I was on the monkey bars and I fell off of them." He said "are you okay now?" I said "yeah uncle Louis calmed me down and uncle ni cleaned my knee and it has you on it and my other uncles." He said "glad your okay your uncles would like to say hi to you." He showed me my uncles I said "hi." They said "hey princess." I giggled and said "when are you people coming home?" He said "soon baby girl only a couple more weeks until we are there okay?" I nodded then I said "I love you daddy." He said "I love you too can you hand me back to your uncle ni?" I said "yeah." I blew him a kiss and he blew one back I handed uncle ni's phone back to him and sat with aunt Eleanor.

                    Niall's POV
I took the phone back from Bella and Ashton said "mate did you get the tickets to the show in Australia?" I said "yeah mate I have them and I got the plane tickets to we'll be there tomorrow." He said "okay mate can't wait to see you and especially her I miss her so gosh dam much and so do the others." I said "she misses you too its the worse at bed time but I sing to her so she falls asleep." He said "I knew it would be worse then alright dude see you tomorrow and thank you again for taking care of her." I said "alright mate see you then and no problem I love her." He smiled then I hung up the phone and made some lunch for Bella after I was done I called her in and she ate after she was done I cleaned her dish and told her "go put clothes in a bag okay?" She said "okay uncle ni." Liam said "she's going to love this." I said "yeah I know she's going to be so surprised and happy." I went upstairs to go Help her Eleanor and Louis were up there helping her already  Our flight leaves at 6:00p.m. We are leaving now because it's 3 and it takes a little time to get to the airport I got everything in the car and put Bella in her car seat we said bye to the other boys and Eleanor she asked "where are we going?" I said "don't worry you'll love it." She shrugged she fell asleep on the way there we got to the airport we got there I parked my car and Louis was driving it back  he came with us we got all our luggage out and I got Bella out then Louis was off and we were off to get some food which was  McDonalds and then we headed to the gate were we  waited for our flight to be called our flight was called I got up and threw all our garbage away I picked up Bella who fell asleep we got on the plane and we were in the nicer area of the plane which was the first class I took my seat and carefully put Bella in her seat I put her seatbelt on and I put mine on too then the polite came on and said "attention passangers please take your seat and turn off all electrons we are ready for take off, I put my phone on airplane mood then we were off I decided to sleep too since this was going to be a long flight.

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