7. Not so fast

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Iris put the car in park and turned off the car. She quickly reached for her phone. After locking her car she made her way to Tyler's trailer. But before she could open the door, she was bombarded by Sprayberry and Khylin. They engulfed her in a hug. "Mom!" They shirked in unison.

"My children! How are my babies?" She asked playfully.  "Good, come on Jeff's waiting for you." The boys walked Iris to the writers room. "Do you wanna us to go in with you?" Khylin asked. "Why not?"

"Iris! It's good to see you." Jeff said as he pulled the brunette into a hug. "Take a seat." Jeff said pointing at the chairs. "So what did you want to talk about?" Iris asked. "One of our make up and special effects artist has recently quit and you know I am a big fan of your work." "Are you trying to offer her a job?" Khylin asked. Jeff chuckled, "Yeah that's exactly what I am doing. So Iris what do you say?"

"Uh? I am speechless." Iris said. "You don't have to say anything. Just think about it and let me know when you've come up with an answer." Jeff said. "There's not much to think about. I love the people here. The family you've created and I'd love to be apart of it." Iris said. "So that's a yes?" Sprayberry asked.

"It's a hell yeah!!" Iris giggled. Jeff chuckled and extended his hand for Iris to shake. Iris took it and shook his hand, "Welcome to the teen wolf family"

[Group chat between Teen Wolf cast, Erin, Lily, Lucy, kaitlyn, and Sam.]


O'Brien: *sigh*

Erin: Rude! Did you take it?!?

Sam: ^

Rambo: She did!!!

Sprayberry: We get to see mom everyday!!!!

Iris: I did I am part of the teen wolf family!!!! This is so exciting! I have to tell Ryan

Iris added Ryan to the group chat

Iris: We're going to be working together! Oh my god this is going to be awesome.

Ryan: Congrats

Iris: 😊 Thanks Ry

Posey: Ryris!!!!

Holland: the ship has sailed!

Iris has left the group chat
Ryan has left the group chat

[Chat between Ryan and Iris]

Ryan: I heard your on set Can we meet up?

Iris: Not so fast babe. I want to get to know you. I don't want appearance to be what matters.

Ryan: if your not ready to reveal yourself I am fine with it. I'll wait.

Iris: Ryan I really love talking to you.

Ryan: Same. I look forward to your replies. You definitely know how to brighten up a guys day.

Iris: 😊 And you sure do know how to make a girl feel special.

Ryan: I do try and I try really hard.

Iris: Stop. Your making blush in front of the kids.

Ryan: Kids?

Iris added Sprayberry and Rambo to the chat

Rambo: S2G if this is another group chat about how perfect Steroline is I am leaving.

Iris: Ryan I'd like you meet my sons. Their my pride and joy sometimes.

Sprayberry: Dad!!!

Rambo: Bro you can't just do that.

Sprayberry: but it's Ryris! Iris is mom and that makes Ryan dad so deal with it.

Iris: BOYS don't embarrass me! Don't listen to Sprayberry I dropped him on his head one to many times.

Ryan: I don't know how I feel about being a father.

Sprayberry: Hey!

Rambo: told you I was mom's favorite.

Iris: honestly that's the same way I felt when these two started calling me, mom. But it grew on me and now I love these guys to death.

Ryan: I didn't know you like kids.

Sprayberry: Hey I am seventeen I can drive. Kids don't.

Rambo: yeah! We're not kids.

Iris: I love kids just ask Tyler. I spent a lot of my summers babysitting. And boys if you don't want to be called kids act your age.

Rambo: *folds hands over chest and stomps out of the room*

Rambo has left the group chat

Sprayberry: he's so immature I s2g

Iris: Says the boy who's resting his head on my lap and begging me to play video games with him.

Sprayberry: Whatever!

Sprayberry has left the group chat

Iris: Sorry about that.

Ryan: You really care for those two huh?

Iris: yeah there the little brothers I never had

Ryan: I feel like you just keep getting better and better.

Iris: 😊

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