5. Morning After

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The next day or should I say that morning Ryan and Iris had bags under their eyes. They'd stayed up till two talking and got up three hours later for work. Iris had actually fallen asleep on the kitchen counter. "Iris wake up your going to be late for work." Tyler said as he rested his hand on her shoulder. Iris groaned as her phone rang, it was a message from Ryan.

Ryan: Good morning. I am tried as hell but it's worth it.

Iris: 😊 I'm glad we can agree on that.

A smile spread across Iris' face. "What's with the smile?" Tyler asked his best friend. "Like you don't know." Iris got up from her spot and picked up her bag. "I'll see you at?" Iris asked unsure if he had to film or not.

"Lunch. Come to the set Jeff said he wants to talk to you." Iris nodded and kissed Tyler's cheek. "I'll see you then." "Be careful!" "I will" Iris said before leaving the room.

Ryan: have fun at work. Still waiting on that selfie.

Iris: You to. Maybe you'll get it later or maybe you won't.

Ryan: tease

Iris: You said your an actor does that mean your on Teen Wolf?

Ryan: Yeah. Tell me about yourself

Iris: Well what do you want to know. I feel like you already know everything there is to know.

Ryan: How old are you?

Iris: 24, you?

Ryan: 29. Last name?

Iris: Not happening big boy. I see what your trying to do.

Ryan: Okay you caught me. Next question, do you have any hobbies?

Iris: I read a lot. Does fangirling count as a hobby?

Ryan: I think so. Any special talents?

Iris: I play the drums and I can hold my breath under water for 5mins

Ryan: That's impressive. I can hold mine for to 2mins.

Iris: You get one more question because I am literally siting in my car outside of the set.

Ryan: Okay, favorite superhero?

Iris: Superman but flash and Wonder Woman are a close second. Then there Ben 10 he's cool but I don't think he counts as superhero. I have to go bye text you when I can.

Ryan starred at his screen as Tyler walked up to him. "Dude you look like you got run over. Didn't sleep?" Tyler asked as he took a seat next to Ryan. "I did but I am running on only three hours of sleep. Your friend, she's great." Ryan said. "Iris? Is she why you didn't get enough sleep?" Tyler asked intrigued by the topic of his best friend. "Yeah we've been talking a lot. She still hasn't let me see what she looks like. What's she like?" Ryan asked.

Tyler smiled, everything was working as planned. "Iris is great. I've known her my entire life. She's a special girl and not a lot of guys see that. Honestly I am glad you guys are talking. I knew you'd see exactly how special she is." Tyler said patting Ryan's shoulder.

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