Chapter 11

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I sat there in shock, my fingers frozen as she pulled away, her eyes blinking with uncertainty at me.

What the hell had just happened?

The look of panic started to appear on her face as she sat back, her mouth opening as if trying to say something. When she knew I wasn't going to start the conversation she swallowed and her cheeks grew red. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Please don't be angry."

In that moment I saw a part of me in her. Her whole body transformed into a timid little girl, her eyes wide with panic. She was curling up, her fingers twitching as she hunched over, suddenly unable to look at me. My heart went out to her as soon as I realised what was going on.

Avril liked girls.

Everyone must have known that she liked girls except me and when I'd told the boys that she was staying over that was the reason why they'd reacted strangely to it. They'd known and just assumed that that was what I wanted. No wonder Daniel was so shocked.

It all made sense, but now I felt terrible. I didn't like Avril like that and I doubted I ever will. It was a shame because she'd been able to pull me out of my timid state enough to get close enough to kiss me, which was more than what any other guy had been able to do. I'd probably let her get closer because she was a girl and therefore I hadn't felt any threat. I hadn't even thought about her having feelings for me; I was too happy to notice when I'd been able to get a friend who I wasn't scared of.

Now, looking at a little replica of me, I felt terrible that I didn't feel the same way back. She obviously found me attractive and she'd taken the plunge and kissed me, not knowing how I would react but wanting to try at least once to see if she was wasting her time or not.

I reached over and grabbed her fingers, trying to comfort her. Her eyes immediately lit up as she stared at me but I gave her a sad smile, shaking my head. "I'm not angry. Avril, I don't like girls like that."

She licked her lips and looked away, down-heartened. "I should have known. I just...Jen you're such a beautiful person. No one should be scared like you are of the world. I guess I just saw you and saw a piece of me and it drew me to you. I should have asked if you'd felt the same. It was a mistake on my part. I just wanted to see what it would be like, you know, to kiss someone like you." She shrugged and hunched her shoulders over, biting her lip. "I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore."

I shook my head immediately and squeezed her fingers, forcing her to look up at me. "Why wouldn't I want to be friends with you anymore? You're an amazing person, Avril. I'm just sorry I can't like you back like that."

She shrugged again but a small smile came onto her face as she laced her fingers with mine and gave them a squeeze. "Thank you, Jen. You're a good person. Hey," she looked up and her face lit up as she pointed our hands at me, "you let me get close enough to kiss you! It's a step in the right direction, right?"

I nodded and dropped our hands, picking up the lipstick. "That surprised me more than anything."

"It must just be men you're scared of, which would make sense seeing as how quickly you let me get close compared to Lance. That first time I saw you you looked so nervous and uncomfortable and he wasn't even doing anything. I see now why he keeps an eye on you so much. He must have been well gutted when he realised how friendly we got so quickly." She chuckled and I joined in.

"Poor Lance. He has helped. I've been able to hold his hand."

"It's a step in the right direction! They probably think we're up to all sorts in here." She giggled and my cheeks reddened as I realised she was right. "It's alright. I'll tell them there's nothing going on and that you're completely straight. Damn it." She rolled her eyes and I laughed louder, enough for her to grab the lipstick from me and jab it at me teasingly.

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