Chapter 9

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The job Lance had got for me was amazing. Sure, the people weren't as welcoming as the last place, but that was probably because my old co-employees couldn't wait to get a new girl in to take the Tansly slime off them. Here, everyone wanted to get to the top. Everyone wanted to work with the big boys. Frank, Lance's friend, was the nicest guy I'd ever met. Stephen, his brother, was just as nice.

They were gorgeous too. No wonder the girls on my floor sent me daggers when I arrived. Everyone would have killed for my job just so they could stare at them all day. How Lance had managed it, I had no idea, but he had and I was now earning double than what I had been earning beforehand with more interesting work being put on my desk.

At first I had been apprehensive. Starting a new job was always one of the things I hated. I hated the attention when entering the room. I hated the whispers of "oh look, it's the new girl!" I hated all of the special treatment before everything died down and something else was the next top gossip. It was one of the smaller reasons why I didn't want to leave my old job.

Lance had assured me that things would be fine and he'd find me at lunch to show me around but entering my floor by myself, seeing as Lance got off a floor before me, was the scariest thing in the world. People turned their heads and eyed me up and down judgementally. Luckily, I'd managed to have my hair half presentable, my make up almost perfect and my business dress ironed so flat it was practically standing by itself.

I knew I looked better than what I usually did on a good day, but it was mostly because I wanted to make a good first impression. I desperately needed this job and I didn't want to screw it up. I didn't want to be the girl who got walked all over in the office. This time I wanted to make sure I got recognised for my good work, even if I did prefer to be in the background.

The first thing I noticed was how busy the floor was. It was packed with people rushing round with folders in their hands, heels clip clopping across the wooden floorboards, loud chatter from the men hovering around the coffee machine in the corner. I bowed my head automatically when a few of them looked in my direction.

Thankfully the first person I managed to talk to actually approached me and bombarded me with a massive smile. I must have bumped into the right person because he definitely knew me. "Jen, right? Lance told me all about you. I have to say, I'm looking forward to working with you. The name's Frank and you'll be my personal receptionist. If you follow me, I'll show you around."

He gave me a nod and a happy chuckle and I loved him immediately. He never once reached out to shake my hand and I had a feeling that Lance had told him about my fear of being touched. He walked ahead just enough for me to take in his whole appearance. With salt and pepper hair, dark skin and a smile double the normal size, he must have been the happiest person on the planet when it came to going to work.

His mood rubbed off on people, something I found out when he started leading me around the floor. He would smile and wave at employees as if they were long lost friends and even patted their backs at times, sharing a chuckle and a passing comment. It was as if he knew everyone personally.

"I take pride in knowing all of my employees on a personal level. I find it gives the workplace a nicer vibe." He commented briefly as he shook hands with one of the guys walking past. "I think work should be enjoyable. There's a ban on negativity in this business so I hope you like happy people." He chuckled as he lead me around the desks.

I took in all of the people around me and, sure enough, they were all smiling at each other and chatting animatedly as they worked. How someone could do so much work and stay happy, I had no idea, but it worked and I liked the idea.

Frank led me to the back of the floor where we were met with several offices with glass walls. There were less people here and I found it a lot more soothing. This was more my atmosphere rather than the havoc back near the lift. Lance really had found the perfect job for me, even up to the perfect boss who had no problem in keeping a distance from me.

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