Chapter 8

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It was as if the party never even happened in the morning. As I got some cereal from the kitchen, I noticed that all of the bottles had been neatly put away and the plastic cups were stacked in the corner of the counter out of the way. My first thought was Lance and I wasn't mistaken when he came through the door moments later, his hair glistening from the rain which had decided to pour down this morning. His vest was soaked and see through and I lowered my gaze immediately as soon as I noticed, not wanting to look as if I was checking him out.

He didn't seem to care. He nodded towards me as he pulled his headphones out and then gave me a smile. "You're up early for a Saturday."

"So are you." I murmured and his smile widened as he cocked his head to the side.

"I'm always up at this time. Can't help a good jog in the morning after all. Let me just get a towel."

He blew out a gust of air before jogging away from me, leaving me staring at his wet back as he went to get a towel from the bathroom. I couldn't help it; his back was all tense from the jog and I had a thing for them. He came back quieter than I expected, his hand scrubbing the towel across his hair half heartedly.

"So." He said as I stepped backwards to lean against the counter. He moved closer and leaned his elbow against the fridge as he scrubbed, giving me a full view of his muscles under his shirt. He really did work out. "Why are you up so early?"

"I-I I'm always up this early." I stammered and forced myself to look down at my bowl of cereal. Why did he have to have such a good body? Now my brain had gone to the stage of fantasising about it. I'd never be able to un-see such an attractive sight. My thought processes were forever going to be ruined now whenever I thought about Lance.

Not that I thought about him often.

"Are you alright? The party wasn't too loud after you went to bed, was it? I did tell them to keep it down."

"It's fine. I didn't hear anything." I peeked up through my eyelashes at him and watched as he fully rubbed his head before flicking his hair back, the wet strands slapping onto the back of his head. He smiled at me and I felt my cheeks go pink. "Aren't...aren't you cold?"

"Huh?" He looked down at himself and then shrugged, placing the towel on the side. "It's just a bit of rain. Should probably put it on the radiator."

I almost threw my cereal everywhere when he grabbed his top and pulled it over his head. I squeaked and immediately tried to cover my eyes, my bowl wobbling in my fingers. I definitely couldn't un-see it now. I could definitely never look at Lance the same again.

I heard him chuckle and my bowl was slowly pulled out of my fingers. He placed the bowl onto the counter and rolled his eyes at me playfully, his shirt flopping over his shoulder. "It's alright, Jen. It's only a top."

I continued to keep my hands over my face, wanting to give him privacy at the same time as stopping him seeing my blushing cheeks. "Shouldn't you put some clothes on?"

His laughter was louder this time and I felt his fingers gently skim over my knuckles. I allowed him to gently push my hands down, though I kept my eyes completely averted to the floor. "Wow, you really are innocent aren't you? Jen, I don't care. Look if you want to; It's fine. I'll take it as a compliment."

I glanced up at him to see a smirk on his face as he scrubbed his chest dry with the towel. Slowly, lifting my head, I allowed myself to take in his physique. He was well muscled all over his chest, arms and back, though his stomach still had slight weight on it. I didn't care though, he was perfect and I hated the fact that I'd crossed the line where I was now going to fantasise about touching him.

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