~*~Baby Blue Eyes~*~

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@fableehaa made my awesome cover :)

A/N- This isn't edited but it will be. Also this is my first long story on this account

Italy- 1114

Elijah’s POV

My whole body ached as I opened my eyes. All I could remember was that wretched dagger piercing my chest and everything going black. I don’t know how long ago that was but I certainly had different settings.

Niklaus was sat aimless on a crate watching our younger brother Kol rub his chest as it healed from the sharp weapon that had once pierced it. Our sister slowly woke up just after I had.

“What happened?” I questioned stretching my limbs.

“Our lovely naïve sister fell in ‘love’ with a vampire hunter. Not only a vampire hunter, one of the strongest vampire hunters known to man. They call themselves ‘The Five’. Well they’re dead now anyway. They decided to stab us all with these daggers covered in the ash from the tree that created us. It didn’t affect me seen as I’m technically from a werewolf decent but you all were dead for a short period of time. Once I pulled the daggers out you slowly came back to life,” Niklaus shrugged twirling one of the daggers between his fingers.

“So you just killed these hunters? You didn’t consider questioning them as to how they knew about us or anything along those lines.” I asked.

Sometimes my brother could be quite stupid (mainly because he got caught up in the moment), we had only been like this for about one hundred years but he was already letting the power of being a vampire go to his head. He just killed humans and didn’t think through the consequences or alternatives to murder.

He was a blood thirsty monster.

“I’m going to go get something to eat, anyone going to join me?” Kol smiled standing up from his resting position on the floor.

“I will,” Niklaus and Rebekah said together before frowning at each other.

Out of my siblings they probably argued the most, but they were also the closest to each other. It was rather confusing how their relationship worked but it worked for them. At least he wasn’t out killing us- yet.

All eyes were now on me but I couldn’t really bring myself to feed with my siblings. Niklaus would be blaming Rebekah for the mishap of today for the whole experience. I would rather feed on my own away from my younger siblings.

“I’ll catch up to you all,” I stated with a sigh allowing them all to speed of in one direction towards the town.

I didn’t really like it here in Italy, my family found too many controversial arguments throughout the days we had been here. To be honest since we moved here it had only progressed from a few arguments a day to continuously. We needed something to settle these problems between us all, but what? I didn’t know.

Slowly I began to stand up and walk away from the area we had all once occupied. It didn’t take me overly long until I reached people. There were crowds everywhere in these small towns and villages. Everyone was always busy but for some reason no one ever noticed if we accidently drained one of their blood.

I noticed a lone girl maybe aged twenty standing near the shadows. Slowly I walked over to her before covering her mouth and turning her to face me so I could look into her eyes.

“You will not scream, you will follow me,” I stated attempting to compel her.

She repeated my words before following my steps away from the crowds and into the shadows where I smirked. My thirst was growing and I couldn’t contain it any more. My fangs retracted as I bit down onto her neck. I drank her blood quickly before letting her limp body fall to the ground in a heap.

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