She was so caught up with her music that most people would've thought she wasn't listening to her surroundings, but Lily couldn't have missed the scream even if her volume was on full.

It pierced her soul. The high-pitched cry of a child, its plea for help. Lily, despite hearing loud and clear, hesitated. What could she do? She was almost human without knowledge of her abilities. But, as a supernatural, she still possessed more strength and stamina than most humans.

She knew it wasn't right to keep walking. She couldn't ignore that scream. Even if she knew nothing of herself, Lily had to help the girl. That sense of helping others had been engraved into her since her family died. Supernatural-born or not, she started to run.

Filled with a new sense of determination, Lily sprinted into the forest. She would do her best to save the girl, and knew she would go as far as to lay her life down for her safety. Anyone else in her position would do the same.

Using all the remaining strength in her legs, Lily dodged roots and branches in an attempt to reach the girl quicker. Her heart was beating too fast for her to keep track, and rain splattering her vision, but Lily drew in the humid air to propel her faster.

When she heard a closer scream, no doubt from the same girl, adrenaline kicked into Lily's soaked system. The pain from her muscles disappeared and her heart rate calmed down as she passed more trees. 

Lily's mind blurred. The only thing she could hear was the pulse from the music still in her ear, how it was in time with her heartbeat, and the third scream that sent chills down her spine. The shadows of the forest almost rippled, pointing the way to the poor girl. Lily, clear of any doubts and fears, charged into the clearing and halted.

Three large men stood around a wide-eyed young girl, whose lips were trembling with fear. Hearing the commotion from Lily's entrance, the men turned around with gleaming gold eyes that bounced their light around the clearing.

Werewolves, Lily thought. She felt her own eyes burn - a static sizzling at her retina. She couldn't see the colour they held that identified her supernatural self. Lily had spent hours in front of the mirror trying to get her eyes to shift, to awaken that inner part of her. 

Three rogue werewolves. One little girl. She screamed. They're surrounding her. Lily only had to take a breath before she looked at the girl.

"Are you okay? Are these men bothering you?" Lily asked with a tone she didn't recognise. It was alluring and powerful, but her focus was still on the werewolves, who were now surrounding her. Her glowing eyes, whatever colour they were, identified her as a threat. 

The little girl whimpered, holding her knees tightly, as her eyes flashed the colour of an eclipse. Glowing black eyes meant alpha blood and Lily immediately knew she'd have to be more than a helping hand - she needed to be a protecting one too.

Lily took another breath before glaring down the other three werewolves. Their glowing eyes were fixated on her, ignoring the little alpha.

The middle wolf let out a smile. "What can you do, girl?" He locked eyes with Lily, but somehow, Lily saw past the façade of confidence. She saw fear and doubt. They were afraid of her. Good

As the tunes in her ear started to climb to the beat once again, Lily trained her glowing eyes on the werewolves. Her pulse thrummed through her body until she couldn't feel the cold. Lily felt the puddles at her feet ripple as the music flowed through her mind. As the beat was about to drop, Lily couldn't stop the defiant look in her eyes.

The base dropped and Lily launched herself into the music. A clenched fist knocked the middle wolf out cold, and the one on the right barely breathed before a fierce kick from Lily sent him flying into a tree. Lily ducked as the left wolf swung but hit open air. Lily slammed her elbow into his gut before twisting her body so she caught the right wolf, who was approaching again, with another punch to the head and catching her heel against the slumped left wolf with enough force to make him stumble. 

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