Reader x Robins: In Which Four is Better Than One

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For the sake of the story,

Dick: 24
Jason: 22
Tim: 20
Damian: 17-18

We all know Damien's 10, but fanfictions make it possible. Lots of love. 💕
(Y/N): Your Name
(F/C): Favourite Colour
(F/S): Favourite Song
I started another series, but this time, it's an X-Reader//Reader Insert pieceocrap. Requests and scenarios are more than welcome! ^^

This story's dedicated to dragonchildyuki , lots of love to you dearie! 💕

Nobody would ever understand why I chose to be with four impossible men.

Psh, like hell they would.

I frowned, looking at the mess of people gathered at the floor of my living room.

"(Y/N)," A familiar voice called out beside me, making me look at him. "Aren't you supposed to be at my brother's apartment today?"

It was Dick Grayson, a.k.a Nightwing, the sexy vigilante in the equally sexy black and blue superhero spandex suit.

Now, Dick is my fiancée, but we we both agreed that I'd be lonely with him coming home after a few days unlike any normal guys who usually come back to their beaus after a few hours. So, he came up with a suggestion. Instead of being compelled to cheat, which I never thought of in the first place, I was allowed to date other guys.

Let's face it though, Dick isn't actually the 'stick to one' type of guy. He's the perfect guy you'd want to love: smart, handsome, fit and a rich bastard with a silver-tongue. Not to mention that he's got this mysterious vibe with him that every girl gets attracted to--although, Dick is the type of guy who has the constant need to spread his love to every woman he finds attractive--physically, sexually or mentally.

I was the lucky one who captured his heart for a few years; I was also the one who's wearing his expensive  diamond ring up until this day.

But It wasn't until a few years when I met Jason, his brother, at one of Bruce Wayne's charity balls in which Dick and I were benefactors of.

Jason, he's special.

All of them are, but he's the one who's a very angry and mental firecracker.

Though, as a lot of people have said, even Bruce himself; Jason's strength comes from his rage.

And boy do I get the time of my life when we argue.

"(Y/N), you still there?" Jason asked, as he gently knocked on my head. "Damian's waiting for you."

"Although, I'm starting to hate the idea of seeing less of you," Dick mumbled, slinging his arm around my waist. "And to think you're dating all of the Wayne kids"

"Not Bruce, oh god no." I frowned, kissing Dick's nose.

"Bruce what?" Tim, the second youngest, yawned, finally awake. "What did I miss?"

Jason scrunched up his face, as he slapped his hand to his nose.

"Jeez kid, go and wash your face or something." He complained, making Dick and I laugh.

In a flash, Tim stood up, taking the blanket covering our naked bodies with him.

"TIM!" We all cried in unison, making the poor guy turn beet red and bow his head, mumbling a little 'sorry'.

Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne, the guy who's a split persona of Dick Grayson--the refreshing lover. Tim, as he prefers, was the type of guy who'd nerd out with you on Warriors and Warlocks and buy you ice cream when you've got your period. He'd do anything to help you, but would sometimes lack the confidence in which Dick has too much of.

I smiled, hugging my knees to my chest.

They are all perfectly imperfect, but I still love them equally.

I stood up, walking to my room to get dressed, deciding to take a shower when I get to Damian's place.

Wearing my favourite (F/C) dress with my beige coat and my (F/C) boots, I grabbed my bag and car keys then went downstairs to see the guys helping themselves to my cereal.

MY cereal--MY food.

Agh, the things I allow for love.

"I'm heading out, guys!" I bid as farewell, making them stand up.

"We'll drive you there." They (including Tim with a mouthful of Chocopuffs) said in unison.

"No, I got this." I laughed. "Clean up after yourselves okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Mkhy bmss (Okay boss)!"

"Sure baby, drive safely."

"Will do." I replied, blowing them a kiss before I left the house.

Inside the car, I was jamming to (F/S) while I was waiting in traffic.

It's been roughly a year when I started seeing Damian, the firecracker.

Just as his cute nickname suggests, he's as fiery and explosive as fireworks. He may be the youngest, but at 17, he proved to be a capable heir and future successor of his father's multibillion company. At a young age, he is probably the most critical and mature guy I've dated.

A few more minutes of driving and traffic, I've arrived at Wayne Manor on the outskirts of town.

I stopped the car in front of the gate and pressed the intercom.

"Hey Alfred, it's me, (Y/N)." I greeted with a smile.

"OH! Miss (Y/N) welcome back!" Alfred replied, his monotonous voice hinted a bit of joy. "The young master has been pacing around the manor, I'm afraid that he's wearing the marble floor off."

"Tell him I'm here already."

"Will do, miss."

With a click, the heavy iron gates as I drove inside and parked my car in front of the fountain.

As I went outside my car door, I was greeted by a sullen looking Damian, his muscular arms crossed in front of his chest as he gave me a stern look.

"Punctuality, (Y/N)." Damian frowned, as I stepped towards him; his tall self towering over mine. "You're late."

"For three minutes, young master." I smirked, kissing his cheek.

He guided me inside as his hand rested on my waist, his warmth as familiar as the warmth I felt before I left the my house.

Yes, I love them all equally.

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