"Sheala?" I ask

"Yes?" She replies

"What's that song your listening to?" I question

"Oh it's called Lean and Dabb by iHeartMemphis" She says

"Um Okay well really hope you like it?" I tell her

"Thanks I love dancing to it to." She says

"Alright time to go to school you four!" Mum says

"Alright mum love you." We all say to her

We all get kisses on the cheek by mum. We get into Zoey's car and get to school.

Harry's POV

"NIALL TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL!" I yell from downstairs

"IS LIAM HERE?" He yells back

"NOT Y—"


"YES HE IS." I yell back

I open the door and see my sexy boyfriend.

"Come in my love." I say

He comes in and leans in and gives me a peck on my cheek.

"I thought you were going to work today?" I ask him

Niall comes downstairs and goes to Liam.

"Hey love." He says to Liam

"Hey baby." He say leaning down pecking his cheek

"You ready?" Liam asks

"Yes I am. Alright dad I'm going to school, don't have sex in my bed you two." Niall says to me and Louis

"Oh shut up and go to school. See you when you get home. Love you." I say to Niall

"Love you to Liam." Louis says

"Love you to dad." They say in unison

They walk to the door and leave.

I look at Louis.

"So what would you like to do now?" I ask

"Well...first I want to do...this." He says and leans in

He kisses me and I kiss back. Our lips move in sync. He places his hands on my hips while I place my arms around his neck. He licks my bottom lip. I let him invade my mouth and explore it. After one minute we pull apart.

"Is that better love?" I ask

"So much better." He says

"So what do you want to do?" I ask

"Let's watch some tv." He says

"Okay." I say grabbing his hand and walking to the living room.

We sit down and I cuddled into him and we turned on the tv and just watched The Royals. We never watched it. It was interesting.

*3 hours later*

We have watched every single episode of this show. We've gotten up only four times. Bathroom breaks and food breaks. In the middle of the episode there was a breaking news story. It said 'Lakeside High School has been on lockdown due to a school shooting!'

"Oh my gosh Lou that's the kids' school!" I yell jumping

"Okay Haz! Please calm down and let's go to the car and drive there." Lou says

"Okay, Okay, Okay I'm calm can we please just go cause those kids are like my own." I tell him

"Okay let's go." He says getting up and placing his hands on my hips

My boyfriend's dad {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now