Chapter three

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Ok well as you guys know I didn't update yesterday. Today I got in trouble so I got my iPad token away so I could update. Then I went my grandma cause I live with her and my dad. Anyway I got it back just to update. Sorry you guys/gals but anyway here is chapter three. Sooooo lets get it started. Go read enjoy.
Louis' POV

I was debating wether to tell Harry the truth or lie.

"Well she is a good girlfriend." I said choosing to lie

"She is a 'good' girlfriend" he says emphasizing on good

"Yea she is a good girlfriend." I say

"Why do you say good?" He asks

Oh no he got my there.

"Yea?" I say coming out as a question

"Well tell me what's wrong with her. Bad in bed, annoying, clingy" he asks me

"B and C" I say deciding to tell him

"Oh so what are you going to do about that?" He asks me

"I'm not sure?" I say
Niall's POV

Me and Liam are in my room just making out.

I pull away from Liam. "I'm happy you let me meet your dad. Even though I know you didn't want me to. About that why did you want me to meet your dad I the first place?" I ask

Liam sighs "Well my dad has this girlfriend I don't like. Her name is Eleanor and she is so rude to me and other people but my dad. And I always wanted you to meet my dad but not her. But I couldn't let you meet my dad because she is always with my dad. But I would of let you meet him but this was the one time she was not with my dad. So I took the chance to ask my dad if he could meet you but Eleanor did end up wanting to be with my dad. So I begged and begged him to tell he a lie about me and him having a father son day. The best part is she bought it. So I did always wanted you to meet my dad. I hope you forgive me cause I really am so-" I interrupted Liam by kissing him

"I believe you Liam babe ok and I forgive you." I tell him

"I'm so glad" he says hugging me

"Now let's watch a movie and cuddle" I tell Liam me he nodded

"So what do you want to watch love?" Liam asks me

"Ermmm I'm not sure... Oh I know 'Bambi' " I say

"Ok" Liam says and just then I get a text from Zoe-Zoe

(N=Niall Z=Zoe)


N=Zoe-Zoe what is wrong

Z=I did the most stupidest thing even though stupidest is not a word but I don't care

N=what did you do

Z=I can't tell you over text come to my house please

N=but me and Liam were about to watch Bambi *whines*

Z=stop whining and this is more important than even the titanic this is code red-red-red Ninall

N=I'm about to come

Z=thank you

N=no problem

"Babe change of plans" I say to Liam

"What now" Liam asks

"Zoe has a big dilemma" I tell him

"Ok she can wait I wanna watch Bambi with you" he says crawling on the bed

My boyfriend's dad {ON HOLD}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن