Chapter 12

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A/N: Hi everyone I'm back for the next chapter. Hope you enjoy this chapter. The picture up there is the Styles household. That house might or might not be in the story. Who knows? Oh wait me. Also I recommend you listen to a song. It doesn't go with the chapter it's just good. The name is 'Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez' it's a great song. Anywere I want to give a shout-out to two people cause they are great first I want to give a shout-out to sleeping-with-styles and then the other person is twinklytommo also is my big crush. The two of those people are making a story the name is Runaway READ IT ITS A LARRY MPREG BOOK ITS!!!!! ITS GOOD so far BUT ITS STILL GOOD. Now go to reading my book if you want to now okay. NOWWWWWWWWWW GO!!!!!!


"Oh my god is that you nerdy Harry?" Eleanor says

"Umm who is nerdy Harry?" I ask

"Nerdy Harry is him" Eleanor answer my question motions to Harry

"Why is he nerdy Harry?" I ask

"Because he was a nerd in school. What did people use to call you cause it was a nerdy name?" she asks Harry

"Um I believe it was Marcel. What are you doing are here?" He asks Eleanor

"I should be asking you that question" she says

"Eleanor we really need to talk so we just go up to my room please" I say

"Okay nerdy Harry see you later" Eleanor says

"His name is Harry Eleanor" I tell her sounded frustrated

"Fine see you later nerd- I mean Harry" she says

"Thank you now i really need to talk to you so now lets go" I say grabbing her had and turning to Harry and giving him an apologetic look.

We walk up the stairs to my room. I open the door to my room. We go and sit down on my bed.

"Eleanor I need to tell you something" I start off

"Oh my gosh yes yes of course I'll marry you!" she says excitedly

"No Eleanor that's not was i was going to say" I tell her

"Oh okay what is it?" she asks

"Okay well I think we should break up" I say

"What? Why? What did I do? I can change" she says starting to tear up

"No its not you it- wait no it is partly you" I say truthfully

"Well then can you at least tell me why you're breaking up with me?"

"Okay well first you're a bit clingy"

"What do you mean?"

"You always want to be with me like you never want to be apart unless I give you a valid reason"

"Cause I always want to be with you"

"You're to clingy and I believe its a big turn off"

"Fine whats the other thing?"

"Well there is two more reasons"

"Fine what is it?"

"First Liam doesn't like you"

"What how could he I'm so nice?"

"He says you're rude"

"Well then he hasn't met a nice person then"

My boyfriend's dad {ON HOLD}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن