Chapter 19

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Hello I'm back for an update again. Hope you enjoy it. I'm sorta trying my best to write. I don't know what's or who is going to be in this chapter. So yeah might as well read now.
Zoe's POV
So I get to my ex girlfriend's house and I see that there is a girl who looks exactly like me. I want to go to my mom and ask her who is she and why does she look exactly like me. I have an idea I'm going to just text her and ask her.

I start to take out my phone from my pocket. I see my phone slip out of my hand.

"Hey give it back I need to text someone" I say

"Z you will get your phone back after the movie" Shea says waving my phone in my face

I huff and cross my arm.

"Oh calm down its not like I'm going to keep it forever" she says

"Well—" I say

"Shhhhhhh" Amy and Big Z say to me

*30 minutes later the movie is over*

I get up from the sofa and stretch.

"Well the movie is finally over. So let's go to mom and ask her who she is" I say motioning to my so called look-alike

Big Z, Shea, Amy, and my look-alike got up.

"Alright Lil Z we can go talk to mum only if you don't run to mum. Okay?" Big Z says

"What do you think I am a 5 year old?" I ask

"No more like a 4 year old" he replies back

"Whatever lets just go" I say.

We all go in the car. Big Z is the driver. I'm in the passenger seat. And Amy, my look-alike, and Shea are in the back.

After like 15 minutes we finally arrive at our house. I open the door and run inside to find my mom.

"MOM!" I scream at the top of my lungs


I know what she's playing at. She wants me to talk the British way.

"MUM!" I yell a bit quieter

"Yes Zoe?" My mom says coming from the kitchen

"Why in the world didn't you tell me I have a look-alike that is so called related to me?" I say walking to her

"What in the world are you going on about Zoe?" She asks me

"YOU GUYS BRING MY LOOK-ALIKE INSIDE" I scream towards the door

The four come in and my mom literally runs to my look-alike and hugs her.

"Zabrina your here I was wondering when you were going to get here. What took you so long? How are you? Are you hungry? Where are your things? Please don't tell me you're in a hotel at the moment?" She started asking her

"Hi mum. First, I didn't know where you guys lived. Second, I'm fine. Third, I'm not hungry. Fourth and fifth, yes my things are at a hotel." She says in her British accent

"Oh my gosh why? How come you're treating her like she is the world right now?" I say

I go up the stairs into my room. I slam the door and take out my phone. I open KIK and start to text Panda.

My boyfriend's dad {ON HOLD}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt