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I sigh, tossing my pencil down on my notebook. I wasn't in the mood for homework anyway. May glanced at me with a questioning look on her face. 

"Is it possible to develop feelings for someone while you're in love with someone else?" I ask absentmindedly. "Well, no. I don't think you're in love with that person anymore if you like someone else." May says. She watches me intently. I knew the question that was forming in her head. "Why?" She finally asks. I shrug my shoulders, setting down my pencil. "Three days ago, when I skipped school, I spent it with Colton," I explain. "And that night, I slept in his bed," I whisper. Her jaw drops open, and then suddenly, she smiles. "You slept in the same bed as Colton?" She asks excitedly. My cheeks redden as I nod. May grins widely at me. "So, you have a thing for him?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know." I groan. 

I let my head drop on the table with a loud thud. "I feel something for him." I finally admit. I lift my head, looking up at May. Her eyes are wide in surprise. "So, what are you going to do?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I'm so confused. I love Mason, but he's being well, Mason. Colton, on the other hand, has been lovely and understanding. I just...I'm not sure if I'm feeling this way because Mason isn't giving me attention unless it has to do with sex, and Colton is. Or because I'm starting to develop feelings for him." I explain. May nods thoughtfully. She seems to be thinking about something. "How about we go to the game?" She asks. I scrunch my nose at her. "Oh, don't give me that look. It could be fun. Lord knows you need the distraction." May explains. 

Before I get to protest, she stands up from her chair. She walks over to my closet. "Do we have to?" I whine. "Yes. Besides, it's the first game of the season. We have to support our team. Show some school spirit." May replies. I slump back on my bed, staring at my ceiling. "Are you sure you aren't doing this because you wanna see my brother?" I ask. I jump when May throws a shoe at my stomach. I groan in pain. "What was that for?" I cry out. I sit up, looking at her. She narrows her eyes to another who is in her hands. She points it at me. "You know why. And besides, your brother is dating Rosie. In case you forgot." She adds in a bitter tone. Oh, how could I forget? May spent the whole car ride talking about it.

 Finally after and hour I managed to change the subject. She turns her attention back on my clothes. "Can't I just wear what I have on?" I complain. She turns around to face me. Her eyes look over my outfit. "Fine, but at least do your makeup. And fix your hair." She grumbles. I smile happily at her. I grab my makeup bag off of my dresser heading into the bathroom. I leave the bathroom after applying makeup and fixing my hair into a bun. May meet me in the hall. "The games are starting soon. We should get going." She remarks. 

I follow behind her as we walk down the stairs. "Can I drive?" I ask. May tosses me her car keys. I catch them with both hands. I unlock the car and climb in. "When's spring break?" May randomly asks. I think about it for a moment. "Uh, next Thursday. I think." I reply. "We should do something." She says. I nod my head in agreement. I glance at her to find her sitting back in her seat thoughtfully. I turn on the radio to fill the silence. I hum along to the song on the radio as we drive to the school. By the time the songs were over, I was pulling into the parking lot. I turn off the car and climb out. May walks alongside me as we head towards the field. 

"Who are we playing?" She asks. "Eh, The Falcons," I reply. An excited look appears on her face. "Oo, this is going to be an intense game." She remarks. We walk towards the stands. They were already full of high school students and families. We sit towards the front next to Starla and her boyfriend, Lewis. May and Starla chat back and forth until the game starts. I scan the stands behind me. My eyes stop when I see Mason with his friends. I turned away before he could see me. 

He stopped trying when he finally got the clue that I wouldn't talk to him. It was taking everything in me not to cave until he apologized. And meant it this time. The crowd cheered as the boys came into the field. My eyes instantly searched for Colton. I spot him beside a kid with blonde hair. They seem to be joking around because both of them laugh about something. I tear my eyes away from him when May bumps my shoulder. I look at her. "You got a little something?" She jokes, wiping the imaginary saliva from her mouth. I roll my eyes but chuckle at her. "Right back at you," I remark, noticing her eyeing my brother. 

Only she wasn't the only one. Rosie was in the front row, cheering him on. I wanted to walk down the steps and kick her. I shake the violent thought out of my head. I clap along with the crowd when the game starts. May was suitable about it being an intense game. We had only beaten the Falcons by a few points. You could see the happiness on Colton's face when we won. He looked proud of his teammates. "Come on. Let's go congratulate them." May states. I quickly wave goodbye to Starla and Lewis as May pulls me along. They shake their heads at us and wave back. 

As we reach the field, May stops short when Rosie throws her arms around Brandon's neck. Their lips connect. May's eyes flash from anger to hurt. I tug on her arm. "Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. He's a jerk." I mumble. I look back over at Brandon. Who happens to look our way? He waves and then continues to kiss Rosie. "Ugh, all I get is a wave, and she gets him. My life's shit." She mumbles. I was going to console her, but I stopped short when I saw Colton kiss some brunette. He smiles at her. I avert my attention away from them before I am seen gawking. Colton and Brandon walk toward us. "Shit, they're coming this way." She mumbles. Her hand clasps tightly around mine. Her grip tightens when Rosie desperately clings onto Brandon's arm. I force a smile. 

"Congratulations, Captain and Co-cap, on an amazing victory," I say to Brandon and Colton. Their eyes light up with pride. I notice the brunette observing me. I make eye contact with Colton. Who's giving me a questioning look? "So," May breathes out awkwardly. Brandon, being the stupid idiot that he is, opens his mouth. "Right, guys, this is my girlfriend, Rosie." He introduced her. May digs her nails into my skin. I wince from the pain. He just had to say it. "We know." May states bitterly. I force a smile. "Right, well. Well..uh, see you at home." I stutter. 

The boys seemed confused as May yanked me away from them. Not that I mind. Seeing Colton with that girl bothered me. Were they together? If so, why didn't he mention it to me? "This is my girlfriend, Rosie." May mocks Brandon in an annoyed tone. "Asshole. Can't he see that I'm standing right in front of him? Like hello?! I'm right here!" She exclaims. "Ugh! I want to punch her!" May yells. She earns a few strange looks from people passing by. "We should buy a carton of eggs and egg her stupid house. With her stupid face." May grumbles. "As much fun as that sounds, I don't want to get in trouble. At least not for eggs." I reply. She huffs at me. "You're brothers an asshole." She informs me. "Tell me something I don't know," I reply.

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