Chapter 3

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Derek had final came back from getting the food, but something seem to be off about him. It had seem as though he seen ghost but not just any a ghost from the past. I wonder what ? this so called ghost was or whom it may be. And why was this bothering derek so much. These thoughts were filling on up my mind such agony and grief. Derek had began to sit down on the stroll but something had made him look around and the energy around us had seem to change like something dark was nearby. What was that surge of energy. Why? Does it feel so familiar. All of sudden I began to look around to find where this energy was emanating off. Time seem to slowly stand still as this girl walk toward the store, she had short blonde hair and about 5'5 eyes blue as the sky. Although the seem to be more like crystal to me. The girl was wearing blue Jeans and A crop top shirt that said bad ass and her skin was sun kiss. I'd look over to derek and to my dismay he acting as if he seen his mother naked or animals having sex. If you looked into his eyes u could see fear and anger rushing through his veins and mind. Why was this girl cause him to have this expression? Oh the angry the aggression oozing of him. I look towards his hands which were holding the food and drinks, the liquid seeping to the floor and on hand. When looked back to where the girl was she had seen to disappear into thin air.
Everything even time itself began to go back to normal; Derek had still seen to be on edge about the girl with the crystal blue eyes. Even I began to l feel a sense of ominous feeling from not know where the girl with crystal blue eyes were. Looking around my hairs on the back of my neck began to stood up and had got the slightest feeling that I was being watched my anonymous forces or was it the girl with the crystal blue eyes, or was just my imagination. My mind soon began to wonder about the how the thing. When my body soon began to be filled with coldness of a winter breeze but it was fall. My gaze seem to focus on that freezing feeling. My slow follow the body standing in front me; to see derek putting a cold drink on my head, causing me to smile and grab it.

" Hey earth to space princess you have made it to planet earth. You can come out of your mind spaceship. what going on with you?" Derek said as slowly began to let my guard down just enough to make small talk with him.

" OK mr. President nice to meet you. There nothing wrong with me . Is there something you would like to tell me , cause you've been acting pretty different today." I said as I drink some of the foreign liquid that look like it was the planet neptune.
" I'm not acting different I'm perfectly fine why say that?" Derek said as he grad some of the fries and wolf them down like an animal.
" No your totally acting different. Remember in class that hole battle filled you and angel create , and lets not forget the elevator incident." I said grabbing some of the fries as derek became a litte distress from what I said.
" I wasn't acting different and if anything doing you a favor that guy there just something about him that off." derek said as I gave my best shut the hell up look. " As for the elevator you know want me you can't resist my charming good looks and how brown eyes brighten your day. And I'm not the only one who seem be enjoying the little thing in the elevator "
I'd began to blush and focused on my drink. Why was he acting this way? What happened to my nice caring derek that got to know over this summer don't tell me he's going back being playboy derek and the bully. My gaze seem be searching around Derek analyze hoping that there nothing wrong with him. Although my search was no success, I began to be overcome with the skittish like something was coming.
" Will I didn't enjoy it at all." I said as began to get up and walk away but I felt something grabbing my waist pulling me back down to my sit.
" please forgive don't go." derek said sending me mixed signals about what he felt.
"fine I forgive you my king" i said as he'd slow let go of my waist "but i declare that you have givs me piggyback two years and you have to pick me up from my house every morning in your sports car the red one." I said as he nod and gave me smile that only a mother would love. Maybe I forgave him to quickly or maybe I ask for too little.

" Earth to princess winter come back to earth please, your spaceship need take a break" Derek said taking fries that I had in my hand and eating some. Smiling after he'd devoured the hole thing leaving with nothing.

"urge Derek god you're a handful to deal with." I said drink my slush without a care in the world " you know that right"

" so are cutie" Derek said as he poked my nose and lean back in the chair almost making the poor old man sitting behind him and got scared dropped his food.

" I'm sorry can I buy you a new oder sir." I said feeling bad that cause that to happen.

" No little miss but do tell me what your name." he said as held my hand. Why does he seem so familiar to me what make this man make me feel safe.

" whatever you say sir my name is winter" I said as gave a smile to him and look towards derek who was smiling but if you looked in his there was a sense of fear.

" My dear young lady haven't you grown into such beautiful winter rose but can still see your mother fire in your eyes" the kind old man said as he slowly let go of my hand. Then looking towards derek giving him and saddened look as he knew something we didn't.

"will I must being going young winter and mr derek. I hope everything goes in your favor and may the gods be with." he'd said walkway leaving me and derek in awe as this mysterious old man left us.

" will that was weird" I said as derek grab my arm and pulled me into his chest holding me close.

"we should go now winter I lost my appetite." he said as looked up at him nodding head as he pulled us out the mall. That's when we saw .

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