chapter 1

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In a world much like ours there was a woman named Gaia she had created she had created man and angel and demon alike. They were her children but as children there is always chaos her children were always at war with one another which caused her great grief. Each child has his and her different chaos that they brought upon the world. With man they had the power of Hate and unforgiveness. Demons The power of telling lies, misconception, Tatian. As for the angels they have the power of creation and war with war plus creation become a mix of trouble as will to greed. Sealandrea and winter was goddess of all and the last daughters of Gaia the mother of creation and chaos. Sealandrea had power that she didn't know existed she had the power both stitched from land to the sea and the sky above winter had the powers of foresight and of land sea and sky. Although thing were somewhat peace they H.E.R. sons become greed power Thee power that there twin sisters had. They came up with a plan to take her children a way far far away where they kept way her eye. Soon her son went after children only daughters when word got to Gaia she hidden her children from themself erasing any Memory of her and their powers and southern 21 birthday. They where hidden and Protected in plain sight in tell now.

The sunlight seem to pour into my room brighting the amber rose color of my room and hitting the black tree lay on the wall; and then traveling through the treader crapit slow making it way to my bed hitting my eyes making my big brown orbs open . Slow but deadly getting out of my bed feeling like the undead, for the second time the floor seem to feel like I was in the south pole and walking over to my bathroom which was connected to my room.after and hour of being the show i was final ready to go. I was wearing red summer dress that stop at my knees to go with my black heels and a brown sun hat. Then grabbing my bag and made my way down the wooden staircase leading to the living room hall. i could smell the fresh scent of bacon and eggs as made my descent down the stairs to where saw my dad in the kitchen cooking up storm. He was wearing his Uniform my dad is of of the cia headquarters and he take chief pride in his job but to me just dad.

" Hey there sweet pea your up." He said smiling at me as mad my way to the kitchens and sat down on the stole connect to the island
" eat it I made your favorite I know You to old be having Breakfast with your old man" grin with he said will he is kind right I'm getting old he having breakfast with him but I love my dad the little thing he do make me happy

" no worry dad I'm never too old to have breakfast with you" I said putting on my best fake smile and he gave me one back. But to he honest honest dad really need to get rid of that man apron that world best dad . Even though he deserves the title because make a mean chocolate chip pancake.
" so sweetie how are today my darling angel fish" father said as he sat my food on my plate
This weird why is even home this early something up but I wonder

" Dad what's up" I said with my widen at the curiosity, wanting to know why he was acting this way. It was like that ich you couldn't take care of but just kept bothering you.

I'd began to eat the food that was severed to me, and watching my dad dance around the kitchen like he was ballerina but without the tights and dress but , for him he was the his uniform as a replacement. Something up with him and most know what or I'm going to run insane To the bone. But why I so worried about him I have my own problems to worry about. I still can't figure who the person that keeps coming in my dreams. The house seem to go by and it was time for me make my way down the dust trail to my living hell.

" Bye dad got to go school" I said getting up to stand when my dad came up and gave me big hug. All I could feel is strong muscle up against me that seem to make it impossible to breathe.

" Be safe honey bug I don't want you to get hurt" he said looking down at me with concern
Filled eyes, that could make any man or women cry their eyes out.

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