chapter 2

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After that MS rain soon become heated from all the things that was happening in her class room, and her face began to turn red as tomato and wasn't looking good for me after class now. Look at Derek for help, but he was to busy trying not to get himself trouble but why it is always me, I'd could feel someone staring at. I'd move my head over forgetting the conversation that I was pulled into. My eyes wander around looking for person when my eyes stop it was angel. Who seem be staring at me and was the reason that I was feeling, this horrible way. The cold breeze, went down my neck giving me cold as ice shivers run down my body. Bumps started to appear on my body, I began fidget pulling on my dress and my hair anything that could distract me from his brown orbs that seem be lock on me. Erica and Dylan, seem to notice and started to mumble some gibberish that I couldn't understand. Then I'd look for Derek one more time to see if the notices from the looks of it he'd did because I'd could see blue eyes turning into a darkest shade of purple.
"Will now since everyone has been acquainted with angel." She'd said as look around for seat "will now I think you'd be perfect for u go sit next winter"
That it. This bitch don't like me why must try be little miss matchmaker hate you ms rain

As he walked though Lane of the tables, leaving Cupid's reign of arrows hitting every girl that glanced his way. Even the boys were getting jealous of the new student known as angel, who had already just set foot in our school and stolen all the hearts of the girls in of my class. They began to give him dirty looks
,and death glares if looks could kill this boy would be dead already ; but it seem to not faze him. As if he knew that he was the king of everything that he can get whatever he'd want when he want. His eyes were locked on mine and the only thing I can do is just stare back at him, and it seem I wasn't the only one looking at him it had seem that Derek was Giving him death stares along with his friends. When final got to our table i began to come back to my senses.

"So we meet again winter "he said and grade my hand plated a kiss which made Derek growl and angle smirk at him did. He seem to smile when Derek growled as if he got the reaction he was looking for from Derek and his friends. Wait Derek never growls well yeah not like this was more like a animal that his usual growl.

"hi I'm Derek "her" best f-r-I-e-n-d " he'd said .With fire and his voice as he spoke, Then grab me by my Orme pulling me close to his body I could feel his ads as I was pulled closer. His friends began to stand up behind us and in front of us and he began to growl like an animal at once. They made it seem like angels and walk in here when he did that to me. What do I Gotta to everyone why are they acting so different, this never happened before of course there are plenty new students that have come up to me before but not like this one, and this was different I could feel the rage inside them as the Stood up.

"Well I don't care if you were her bother" angel Hissed at Derek and his friends. And Dylan and Erica stand up and Grabbed onto Derry calling you back while they were he was holding me.

"That a enough of you two " I said finally pulling out Derek's tight hold on my body. Both a dirty look and begin walking out the class leaving endless Wave of whispering gossip girls and boys as I stormed down the the ghostly halls leaving Rage in my wake. Why is he acting this way? He's never done this before, and there's never been a problem like this before. It was just a kiss on the hand nothing more nothing less, and why is everyone acting so different towards Angel is a new student they should be polite. What am I thinking this is the way that I just meant lima trying to defend hi why is he acting this way The bell began to ring and people began falling out the classrooms leaving earthquake as their feet stamp on the ground my body began to Tremble in it wake. I continued on more to the basement of our cafeteria, and the only thing I could think about was.

"What's with those two I don't get? Derek the most, what up with him? He doesn't do that to anyone" I said storming down the large staircase followed by the followed by my fellow students. Why must it feel like I'm forgetting things why must understand.

"Wait princess please came back." Derek yelled chasing after me oh no this can't be happening I can't take

"leave me alone right now....... I can't believe you urge" I said going outside as I slip my I'd with him following me outside.

As I run up the stairs walking towards the mall to go to target. Where my favorite place is Starbucks and pizza. The world seem be dark but still to me it was bright to me. With every step I take it seem to make the time slow down. Walking past small greenery I could smell rose and fake grass. Then I'd went to for steal train called an elevator but-then from the corner of my I could see Derek come running 'towards me like he was the flash trying to save the people. When he got close he'd tried to stop but had end up knocking me down to cold Steel floor of the elevator. As my eyes began to open and wince from the hard fall, and I'd finally noticed that Derek was on top of me. He'd had his leg in between my legs arms on both sides of me. Derek began to look up at me and smile leaning down to where my lips where. My breathing began speed As he'd leaned closer to me. Our eyes connect and everything seem to feel alright when look in to them. Time seem stop and the world seem to stop spinning and it was if it was meet to be, an. all of sudden the doors open and group of girls began to laugh at the sight of me and Derek on the floor laying up on me. My face began to red again and I hide my face in his shoulder trying to hide from my humiliation.

" I... get off me now" I said as my face was follow of rage as push his leg far up to my spot which mad me hit him up side his head. When I look at his eyes they were a different color again.

"Why my love let watch as devour you here and now "he'd said as grab my bottom and pick me up of the cold steal ground and walk out the elevator. Leavening me I shock from his actions. Why is he acting this way it like he a whole another person what going on with him. I finally came back to earth when I heard one of the girls say
" can I join? She must be one luck girl" said one of the girls in the groups going into the elevator. What going on with everyone one today is act weird dal. Cause if so I miss the memo.

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