"Lea? Still with me?" Alec asked. He looked a little happy that Colin was mad.

"Yeah sorry. Zoned out for a second. What were you saying?"

"After school. You. Me. Probably Nina and Dylan. McDonalds. What do you say?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. He looked adoreable. So how could I say no to such an amazing nerd?

"Sure but only if you keep wiggling your eyebrows like that." He laughed really loud and by now everyone inside the cafeteria was looking at us.

"Why? Does it make you horny, KitKat?" I punched his arm soft because it was hard holding my tray with one hand.

"You wish! But can we pleaseeee sit down my tray seems to be getting heavier by the second."

"Of course my Queen" He replied bowing. After that he took my tray and lead us to his table. I felt bad about not sitting at our usual table but Linda wasn't there and well I didn't really like Sarah.

"OH MY GOD. Why do you always look so stunning?" Nina greeted while hugging me. I had seen her on Sunday but still she hugged me the way a mother would after her son came back from war. I really liked her.

"Hello to you too Nina."

"What have you been up to?"

"Nothing much. Just the usual. And you?"

"Let me see. I finished High School and graduated from Harvard. Now I'm working at a law firm and my husband and I are celebrating our fifth wedding anniversairy today. It's gonna be HUGEEEEE! And of course you are invited. Oh and I'm eight months pregnant. It's a girl. I guess next time I should readwhat it sais on the condom box" She was obviously kidding about everything. But I loved the way that she was able to make jokes.

"And of course you will name your Babygirl Lea. 'Cus I saved your life when you were eighteen. What was it again?" I made a face like I was thinking. "Hah. Now I remember. You wanted to get a dick pic tatooted on your face but your true friend Lea saved you from that horrible idea." Did I just say the word dick out loud and in public? Dude I'm changing. I like the bad-ass Lea. Take it down a notch just because you said the word dick doesn't mean you'll be getting a gang tatoo soon. Am I just having a discussion with myself? Yup you are. She crazy.

"Of course I will. But by then you and Alec will be married and you won't care about that." I was definitely blushing. I was probably red by now. I guess Nina noticed it too because she added:

"Don't be ashamed. You guys look cute together." 

"Nina please stop it." I said. I honestly could get any redder.

"Yeah whatever. I'll see you guys in forty years, sitting next to each on your cute chairs, telling stories about the good old times while holding hands." 

"Shut up! Please!" 

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and my mouth was watering about the idea of McDonald's. In germany it just didn't taste as good as it did here.

As soon as english class lead out Colin stormed out of the class, not even looking at my direction. How can he still be mad at me? I forgave him for waaaaaaay worse.

I ignored him anyways and got into Alec's car. Dylan had shot-gun so Nina and I were sitting at the back. I rested my head against the window and dozed off in a second. Agatha had sneeked out last night but she wasn't as quiet as she thought she was. She woke me up at 5 a.m. and I couldn't fall asleep after that. We arrived at McDonald's pretty quickly. Partly because our town was small and partly because Alec was driving like crazy. I mean people who say that woman drive bad should see Alec.

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