Chapter 8

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Your pov:

You arrive at a carnival and you see lots of rides and smaller mini game type things. Dan had let go of your hand when you got outside so you guess he was just excited to be going out. (Never go into the outside my children.. It is a scary place..)
You start it by playing A hoop throw and Dan gets you a tiny toy dinosaur. Next you move onto mini basketball,
"Tell me some random facts about youself, miss y/n" Dan says as you giggle, "well sir Daniel, I like muse, my favourite colour is f/c (fav colour) my favourite animals are sloths and I'm obsessed with the Internet!" You say and Dan looks at you wide eyed, "you like muse to!?!?" He excitedly yells a but to loud, attracting some attention. "Yea they are amazing!" You say as you giggle at dans over excitement. "Let's go somewhere quieter, like the park." Dan says and you head of to the park. "Tell me a bit about your childhood," Dan says, sweetly smiling. When he says that you could probably see the lump forming in your throat, this was not something you talked about. You didn't realise you were crying until Dan says "oh my god, Chloe I'm sorry are you alright?" He asks sounding a bit confused and he engulfed you in a hug, you happily hug back, after the hug, you walk over to the swings and sit down. "When I was little, my mum died from cancer and my dad died from a heart attack so I had to be but up for adoption. I found a family that was really nice until my adoption mum died of cancer just like me birth mum. My adoption dad became depressed and soon after lost his job. He started drinking and he hit me and starved me and h-he r-ra-" you got cut of by Dan hugging you again. "It's okay y/n, I understand. I'm so sorry I brought it up!" He says with tear filled eyes. You look into his eyes and you both stare into each others eyes until Dan leaned down and kissed you, you didn't hesitate to kiss back. You went over to the bench, hand in hand, and sat down and you rest your head on dans shoulder. You became sleepy after a while and fell asleep right there, on the bench, with Dan.

Dans pov:

I look down to see y/n fast asleep on my shoulder and wow, she looked adorable. My car wasn't parked that far away from here so I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the car and sat her in the passengers seat next to me. I kissed her head and went to get in to the drivers side. When we got back to the apartment, I put her down in my bed and climbed in next to her knowing that Phil was probably already asleep. After I got in bed I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me before falling asleep, happy.

You now know about y/n's past and it's pretty sad. Well hope you enjoyed this my chocolate puddings and be ready for the next chapter! Bye chocolate puddings!

Love or hate me (Dan Howell x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora