(2)Evelyn's friends

136 30 6

(At school)

"Hey buckets,wats up" said Evelyn to her friends who were standing near her locker which was next to theirs.
"Hey eve" said Mia
"Boring...." Said Ann
"Vas up sis!?"said zoey
"Hiiiii!!"said Sara all together
I have a lot of friends but I'm more close with these four.
Mia is the most outgoing one and she is not afraid to voice out her thoughts also very fun to be with.
Ann is the singer and loves hugs. She lets people control her a lot and is very scared to voice things out.
Zoey is our Kpop fan she is very funky and drools over Korean guys.
Sara is the cool one she is brainy and very fun. Always true to her words and she can easily strike a conversation with anyone.
And there is evelyn, too friendly and shares everything with everyone , fun,easily ticked off and easily forgiving,the lecturer .Loves reading and Kpop.  This is wat people in school think but is she actually like that?


Pretty pleaseee!!!

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