I drove there ten minutes early because I didn't want to be late. I mean I was nearly always on time or early. I entered the building there were so many neon colors. I sat at the bar that was a part of the bowling alley. I wasn't thinking about drinking alcohol or anything but I couldn't start bowling on my own. I looked at my phone 8:13. So yeah Colin was a little late. I mean it could happen  to anyone.

"Excuse me bartende. Could I get a diet coke please?"

He nod at me and opened the bootle. He was in his early twenties and was wearing a cowboy hat. I felt like I was in one of those old cowboy movies. I drank my coke and then another one. I  looked at my phone again 8:24. Oh Colin better have a very good reason for being late... like getting hit by a car or being eaten alive by a dinosaur. If he is not dead when he arrives then I might just need to kill him myself. I will probably rip out his head and feed it to him again. Lea stop it with the Majour Crimes thoughts again. 

I was just paying the bartender as a boy came up to the bar. He was standing next to me. I didn't know who he was but he just looked so familiar. And he had dirty blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes. I think you could dissapear in his eyes and no one would notice that you wear gone.

"Hey Joe could we get couple more beers?" He yelled at the bartender whose name was probably Joe. "And one for this pretty lady as well." He was smiling at me. Joe handed him the beers and he pushed one to me. "Hey where do I know you from?"

"Ehm I don't know but you seem familiar to me as well." I was smiling. I mean Colin stood me up so I thought 'just go for it'. I wasn't even lying when I said he looked familiar.

"Okay well that is our second problem tonight."

"What is the first problem?" I was confused. I didn't even know him but yet we had a problem?

"Well first problem is that I will kill the person who stood you up." Oh he was, cute as hell. If he was satan than I am a sinner. "But before I kill someone for you I should know your name." His eyes were sparkeling at me. 

I smiled and said "How do you know that someone stood me up?"

"You have been looking at your phone non-stop and I mean a girl as pretty as you can't be alone on a saturday night." I like the compliments. Keep them coming.

"Okay my name is Lea. And what's yours?"

"My name is Alec. Would you like to go and meet my other friends? I need to bring them these beers before they kill me." He was holding two beers in each hand and there were two more on the table. Either he must have a lot of friends waiting for beers or his friends drank enough alcohol to get a small army drunk. "Mind giving me a hand?"

"Sure." Alec led us to a group of people. They all looked around my age. And I even recognized one of the guys. He is a senior at our school. I know because a girl fainted at the hall once and he helped me carry her into the nurses' office.To be honest he carried her and I just stood there freaking out. I think his name was Dylan.

"Everyone this is..." Alec started but Dylan cut him of.

"Lea what are you doing here?" Good he remembered me or else this might have been really embarrassing for me. 

"Hey Dylan. What's up?"

"Not much."

Alec who looked really confused broke Dylan and I's eye contact. "Wait how do you guys know each other?"

"Well Lea goes to our school. I helped her once carry a girl into the nurses' office. It was quiet ammussing actually watching you try to carry that girl all on your own." He was laughing at the memory but the other people just stood there. Looking at Dylan like he was telling everyone that aliens were real and that he actually had three heads but hid the rest two. 

Alec turned to me. "That's why you looked so familiar. I must've seen you at the hall or something."

Some girl with pretty blond hair turned to me and said "Hey aren't you friends with Colin? I used to hook up with him before, you know, he became a dick. Ehm sorry." She said now looking me straight into my eyes.

"Don't be. He is the one who stood me up." Why did I say that. Fuck now they think I'm a loser. I should really stop cursing.

"Well Lea I am glad he did because now you get to hang out with the coolest seniors at our school. No the coolest people at our school."

"Wait if your a senior then you must be like what, 17 years old. How did you buy the beer?" Alec was smiling at me and the girl with the pretty hair laughed as well. I knew that you could buy beer in germany with 16 but in the United States I thought that you had to be 21. I guess I was wrong.

"Oh Lea. There is so much I need to teach to." He said putting his arm around me. His teeth were so white. He must have had braces.  I thought to myself. Or he must whiten his teeth every day.

Later that night I found out that the girl with the pretty hair was Nina. She was so nice and she was a cheerleader. I guess not all cheerleaders are bad, must be just Sarah. There was one more boy besides Dylan. His name was Arthur but everyone called him Ardi. I think the nickname suited him better than his real name. They were all so nice and kind. Something I wasn't used to. I mean I loved my friends but they were not as welcoming as Alec and his friends. Except for Linda of course. She was the best person I knew in Virginia. The best person period. We played bowling all night. First Alec and I were a team and Dylan and Nina. Alec offered me a beer and I didn't object. When I was around these people I just felt save like even if I got so drunk that I couldn't walk they would still make sure I got home safe. But I didn't know them that well. It's just that we clicked. I know that this sounds pretty crazy but it's just like that. With some people you just click. Alec and I won the first round so Nina and Dylan had to pay for the beers. I was really lucky that night because in the second round Nina and I won again so the guys had to pay for the drinks. Dylan complained that he was the one who paid for everything but Alec shut him up by saying that he shouldn't be a sore loser. I had so much  fun that I forgot about Colin until he texted me. 'So sorry couldn't make it. Had a thing. :(' The only response I wanted to text was one word and for the first time in forever I did. Maybe it was the beer or the fact that I had fun but I did it. 'DICK' I wasn't mad at him for standing me up. I was mad because he had texted 3 hours after we were supposed to meet. I mean how long does it take to write one text message. It was just a dick move.

Later on Alec drove me home. Before I got out of the car I looked at my phone. It was 11:30. My curfew was at eleven but my mom never really cared. I mean Agatha would come home at 3 a.m. and my mom wouldn't say anything so why should she say something against me having fun.

"Alec thank you for not letting me die of self pitty and for driving me home. This was the best night I had in months." Stupid Lea why did you say that? Now you just sound so pathetic. I was leaning against the car window. He had insisted on bringing me to my door but I said that I wasn't that drunk.



"It was fun for me too. I hope I'll see you on monday." He smiled at me with those delightful eyes. I was just about to turn around and start walking when he added "And just so you know I would never stand you up." As soon as the last word was out of his mouth he speeded down the street into the darkness of the night. He was pretty bad-ass, wasn't he?

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