
"Five to one, senpai!" Tobi quipped, turning excitedly to the two confused Konoha shinobi, "Sasuke-kun, Naruto-kun, you know that Sakura-sama's birthday's coming up, right? What are you planning to do for her?"

The blonde cocked his head.

"Whatever she wants. Sakura-chan's never been picky about that stuff. Last time we threw her a surprise birthday party. Teme?"

Sasuke shrugged.

"She's always liked flowers." he said, flipping open the menu. Kisame considered their words and rubbed at his chin. True, Sakura had never been picky about her birthday. The past six years, she never even took the day off in favor of going around the Medical District to pay the patients a visit. As for the flowers... she was the one to suggest growing the rooftop gardens for everyone at the hospital to enjoy, staff and patients alike. But those were things they already knew that wouldn't help them with their situation.

Sasori set his tea cup down.

"Season three."

Tobi lit up.

"Senpai, you're a genius!" he exclaimed. Sasuke and Naruto watched in bewilderment as Itachi's features darkened.

"I refuse."

"Overruled, bitch!" Hidan crowed, "Say goodbye to another weekend!"

The Konoha shinobi couldn't believe what happened next. They left money on the table and practically dragged Itachi out, shouting things about the 'Kunoichi Diaries'-- whatever that was. After their leaving, Naruto looked at his friend.

"That's the Akatsuki?"


"An assassination?"

"Of Danzo, yes." Sakura said, toying with the purple pills on her desk, "He's proving to be more and more of an annoyance as time passes. There's already suspicion placed on Otogakure's head and I can't send my best shinobi without them being somehow recognized. I would go myself, but me being spotted outside the village would only cause more trouble."

Nagato crossed his legs, relaxing into the plush material of his seat. He looked far healthier than from their first meeting with his form filled out much better and some color returning to his skin. Still he was pale and wiry, but it was an enormous improvement.

It was just the two of them in the office. The room was lit with the mass of sunlight that poured in that warmed them from the only minutely chilled outside. He ran a hand through the red hair and propped his chin up on the arm rest.

"I understand. Did the drugs originate here?"

"Yes. But it's supposed to be exclusively in Otogakure and nowhere else. I've already spoken with the founder and he's not pleased with the development. Have anyone in mind for the job?"

He thought about it.

"Zetsu will be your best bet. There may be others, but I'll have to look into it upon my return to Amegakure."

She opened her mouth to comment, but he beat her to it.

"And whoever I choose will run backgrounds on everyone involved, determining who and who not to kill. Don't worry."

Sakura sighed, a lazy smile crossing her face.

"Ah, you know me so well, Nagato-san."

Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was nearly two. She stood and walked around the desk to stand beside the other leader's seat.

"Lunch?" she questioned. His ringed eyes looked into her sparkling green ones. They were just as bright and full of fire like the time she convinced him to deviate from the path he believed himself to be stuck on for the rest of his life. Yes easily, so easily, she stood up to him and smacked him with the contradictory logic he breathed by.

"If it's the stew place by the mochi shop." he said. He pushed himself up and followed her out the office, "Their sukiyaki is quite superb."

He thought he was the one to bring peace to this world.

"You've always liked that restaurant, though I really like their motsunabe. And it'll warm us up, ne?" she grinned. Nagato trailed behind her, staring at the back of her head.

But he was wrong.


The two of them stepped out of the tower and into the fresh spring air. Sakura stretched her arms over her head, embracing the new season. As they walked, he kept himself just a few centimeters behind her out of respect within her own village.

Though maybe, just maybe...

"Tell me, have you done anything about those advances? Or are you still feigning ignorance?" he asked. She smiled.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Nagato-san."

Nagato smirked softly and looked back ahead of him. He saw Jiraiya's newest student and the youngest Uchiha down the road, the former waving animatedly in their direction. He saw that Sakura's smile stretched into a grin as she waved back to them.

... those who'd bring peace were closer than he expected.


*Anacampserote: something that can bring back a lost love

**Anencephalic: lacking a brain (actual medical condition)


1.) So, see that lovely fan-made cover for Otokage? It was created by: 

@NixFantasia !

If you want a cover made for your own book, check out their story Snowscape [ cover workshop ] (link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/56404213)  to find out how you can make a request!

2.) Regarding Haruno by Name, Hoshigaki by Blood....

It will be finished. Eventually. Because following it will be a spin-off called Clouds. This will be a collection of six chapters showing the lives of Kisame, Itachi, Sasori, Deidara, Kakuzu, and Hidan before entering the Akatsuki.

Shinobi (Sequel to Otokage)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat