Chapter 10

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Henry. I have to tell him. But I can't, he's going to be so angry with me.

I love Kayla and I shouldn't lie to him anymore. Henry doesn't deserve it. Sighing, I looked up at the big house of Henry.

My feet dragged against the floor as I made my way up the stairs. Be straight with him. Or else he isn't going to understand a word. That's house Henry is.

Slowly I knocked on the door, waiting for his reply felt like an eternity. I have to hurry up, my baby can be in trouble. If you've met her family before you'll understand. That's why she stays with me so much.

"Hey!" Henry said leaning in for a kiss. Moving away, Henry looked at me with a sad baby face. "Did something happen?"

I looked down and took deep breath. I've never been the one to cheat and break up. Everything has been so confusing. But one simple fact, I love Kayla not Henry.

"Yes. Something did happen." I said looking down.

Just say it! Remember you have to be straight forward for him to understand you.

"We're breaking up. I don't love you anymore. And I kissed somebody while we were together. I'm sorry, I don't deserve someone as kind and faithful as you." I said closing my eyes, not wanting to see with sad and disappointed face.

"You're breaking up with me?" He said in shock. I nodded and opened my eyes. Henry was crying in front of me. "Who was it?"

"A girl." I coughed out. "I-I kissed a girl. And I wasn't disgusted by it. I like it."

"So you're lesbian?" Henry asked shocked. I shook my head quickly.

"I don't want to put a label on it. Because I only like one girl not girls." I said nodding my head for no good reason.

"Okay." He said grabbing my hand. "We're over."

I looked at him with shock, he just went through all the phases so quickly.

"I'm glad you're accepting it." I said honestly. "I'm sorry, I really am but I didn't want to be in a relationship when it's only one sided."

"No. No. Don't worry. I get it." My ex-boyfriend said. I smiled and gave him one last hug.

"Thank you so much." I said tears threatening to come out. Honestly, I thought he would of been angry. Knowing his ex-girlfriend dumped him for a girl.

But he isn't homophobic, thank god. Wait. Kayla! Her parents she wanted to tell them today and knowing them they're probably beating her up.

"Oh no. I have to go!" I yelled and jumped inside my car. Why did I ever let her do something so stupid without me?

"Fuck." I said when a big line of cars were ahead of me. Traffic.

It felt like eternity, which is to long. 10 minutes pasted and I'm still not at her house. 20 came then 30 and so on. Please don't be hurt.


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