Chapter 8

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I sighed and looked down at my phone. Still no calls.

Wait. What am I thinking?! I don't want to spend the rest of my life waiting for some call. Yes I love Jasmine, but I need to think about myself.

What should I do today? All I brought was a credit card and a phone.

First turn off the phone.


There's multiple things I today:
-Go to the movies
-Skateboard around town
-Go to a restaurant and eat all day
-Call my other friends and hang out

I can't think of anything else to do. Step two, process of elimination.

Going to the movies would be okay, but going alone is just to scary.

Skateboard around town, this wouldn't be so bad actually.

Go to a restaurant all day, can't do this because I'm trying to save movie.

And lastly call friends to hang out, the problem is the only friends I have is Jasmine and the band.

It would just be awkward a hanging out with Henry. But the other boys are okay.

I guess I'm going to skateboard around town with nobody. The other boys in the band would just ask to bring Henry.

That being said I grabbed my penny board and started to skateboard near the pier.

This can be a nice time to clear my head, I really need it. What should I think about first? Jasmine? My family? Myself?

I'll just go down the list. Okay Jasmine, what do I think about her?

I love her, not lust her, I love her so much. The fact that she cares about me. Also when she treats me like I'm the only person on earth. She always puts myself before her.

Yes it gets annoying when she keeps being OVERprotective. But it just shows she cares. My heart just beats really fast around her and it sometimes feels as if she has a glow around her body.

Sort of telling me that I love her. Or she's the one I love. And I do, not because she constantly saves me. It's because I don't know, really.

Jasmine's personality is amazing and you just can't stop loving her no matter how much you try. And whenever I'm around her, I just get this warm safe feeling inside.

Whenever we're in school, you can say a way she shows that I'm safe it by letting me sit next to her. Then we would lean into each other, my head on her shoulder and her head on mine.

She gives me this feeling I can't explain. But I love it and I love her. This isn't just a phase because I had one of those. Only being attracted to the body not the person.

I love you Jasmine.

Then comes my family, horrible. Growing up as a kid around them was like growing up in a prison.

Around 10 years of age they use to start beating me up whenever they were mad. By they I mean my 'mom', 'dad', and 'older brother'.

Trust me, my brother and I use to be close. Since my parents use to beat the both of us. But then something happened, maybe it was the age, my brother stopped getting beaten. All eyes turned to me and they started to beat me up.

I don't think it's what you call, abusing. They just beat me up. I know kids have it worse all around the world, so who am I to be complaining?

But when I turned 14 years old, my boobs were D's. So my brother use to sneak into my room and start touching me.

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