Chapter 6

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Such a beautiful day outside! I smiled and skipped my way into school looking like a maniac.

"Hey!" I heard a deep voice say. Immediately, I froze in fear. Slowly I turned around and looked up at the teenager. He looks like a sophomore. But I'm a senior.

"H-hi." I said looking down. The kid chuckled and looked over at his friends.

"I was wondering if you want to go out with me." He said with a courageous smile on his face.

Go out? With him?

"Like a date or do you want to date me?" I asked confused. He smiled and shrugged.

"Both I guess." He said. The guys green eyes sparkled anxiously. I don't even know this kid. And from personal exerience I know you should know them before you date them.

Plus I love Jas-no she said she needs to figure things out. That means a maybe but this kid means a yes.

"C-can I think about it?" I asked. Plus why would be want to go out with me? Of all people.

"By the way my name is Logan Brown and I'm 15." Logan said smiling. But I can sort of tell there's something in those eyes of him. Something dangerous, but then again doesn't every have one?


"Kayla Johnson. I know, your pretty popular around here." Logan said and looked over at his big amount of friends. "Please think about it."

"I will." I said nodding. How am I popular? The only person or people I talk to is the band and Jasmine. That's like less than 10 people.

Around 7th period I saw Logan, but he spotted me before I can run away.

"Did you think about it?" He asked eagerly. I nodded and sighed.

"I'm sorry but I can't go out with you. But we can be friends." I said putting my hair behind my ear.

"Oh. Are you sure I mean I can be whoever you want to be! I swear!" Logan said desperately.

Please don't be mad. I don't see what I did was so wrong.

"I'm sorry I really am." I said looking down. Logan gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"Please. Just please think-"

"She said no so leave my baby alone." My best friend said standing on front of me. He didn't do anything this time. Why is she doing this?

"I was just talking to her." Logan said putting his hands in the air. Jasmine cracked her knuckles.

"Go, or else." Jasmine said glancing over at me. I whimpered and looked up at Jasmine. She's going to get in major trouble.

"Jasmine-" I said but was cut off when she glared at me. Whimpering helplessly I looked down in fear.

Why was Jasmine doing this? Logan looked over at me and glared back at Jasmine.

"I wasn't do anything but talk to her. That's what people do, but I guess you wouldn't know since you're an animal." He said looking over at me.

"Jasmine please." I said just above a whisper. The fear inside of me was causing me to shake.

"Just get this through your small little head, sophomore. Kayla isn't going to be dating anyone got that. Especially not some maniac like you." Jasmine spat at him.

I heard an animal like growl and cracking knuckles. This time it was from Logan.

"A small little girl doesn't tell me what to do." He said cracking his neck.

"I can and will do whatever I wanna do." Jasmine said glaring at him. This really shouldn't be happening. We're all going to get in trouble over something so small.

"Guys please stop. We can talk this out." I said trying to get between them. But it was like getting between a dog and its chew toy.

"Kayla get away." Logan said as Jasmine punched him in the face. I gasp, just when Jasmine was going to strike again I grabbed her fist and held onto it.

"Please stop. He didn't do anything! I wasn't going to date him either!" I said crying like a baby. She needs to stop acting like this!

"Let go of me." She said glaring at me. I shook my head and held onto her fist.

"No, he didn't do anything and I'm not going to let you do this to an innocent guy." I said looking over at him.

"Stop looking at him like that." Jasmine growled in my ear and used her other hand to make me look at her.

"I don't-"

Before I could finish Jasmine was pulling me outside and into the small forest behind the school.

"You like him don't you." Jasmine said tightening the grip on my hand. I whimpered and looked down.

"I don't." I said fighting off the tear threatening to drop.

"Then why do you want to protect him so bad?!" Jasmine yelled. The small tear fell from my face and into our intertwined hands.

"Because he didn't do anything wrong. He just asked me if I could go out with him." I said crying. Jasmine sighed and slowly loosened her grip on my hand.

"I'm sorry." Jasmine said cupping my cheek. I winced and looked down. "I should of let you deal with this yourself."

"Why didn't you." I sniffled. The love of my life sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"I just want to protect you from everyone just keep you with me forever." Jasmine said sighing.

"But you can't." I said. I've had enough of this!

"I know-"

"No you don't know! You act like I'm one big charity case! But I'm not! I'm a human being! We have a nature to communicate to each other!" I yelled and got out of Jasmine's tight grip. "I get you you want to protect me but seriously!"

"Charity case!"

I hate doing this fighting. But I've had enough of this. Not being able to talk to everyone because of the tears that they'll get beat up by Jasmine. I can't do it anymore.

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