Operation: Save Flaky and Splendont

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The walls of the empty room were cold and grey, just like the floor. Poor innocent little Flaky was trembling, it was dark and she was a lone, no one to talk to and no one to stop her endless trail of tears. "Please someone help me" she whimpered.

"Oh don't worry sweetheart your knight in shining armour is on his way" came a sudden voice that made Flaky jump in fright. A door shuffled open as who to appear in the door frame but Splendont with red glowing eyes like he was just about to fire his heat vision.    

"S-Splendont, w-why are you d-doing t-this?" Flaky struggled as trying to back away. "Why, because my master commands it" said Splendont with a sneered. "Now move it the General wants to see you." With that Splendont lifted Flaky up by one hand and shoved her over towards the door.

The two walked down a long hall way with tiger soldiers guarding every single door they walked pass. Some stared at Flaky with big scary grins that made the girl turn her head away fast, all she wanted was to be at home in her warm and comfortable bed knowing everything was going to be alright in the morning. Only she knew it wouldn't. 

They then after little more walking came up to a door right at the end of the hall way and stopped in front of it where once again two soldiers stood guarding it. Showing his pass the guards let Splendont pass easily with Flaky pushed in front of him. 

Once they entered, Flaky as soon as she saw the man standing about 10 feet away from her tried to back away, but Splendont wouldn't aloud it and shoved the girl forward. "Sir I have bought the prisoner like you asked" said Splendont.

"Thank you Splendont, now leave us and go and guard outside" said the Tiger General without turning to face the two. "Yes sir" Splendont said before leaving the room. 

"So Flaky" said the Tiger General as turning to face the girl. "Shall we get down to business?" 


"Err just one quick question" said Splendid as he tried to hold on in the back seat of the military truck. "Where the hell did you learn to drive?!" Flippy was sat in the front seat along with Master Monk beside him a meditating. 

"It's not me" said Flippy. "You're welcome" Fliqpy said a second later. "Okay, wait where did you get this truck anyway?" said Splendid. "Master Monk said it was left in the forest by the Tiger army when they tried to kidnap me years ago" said Flippy as Fliqpy was going wild with the speed. 

"Jesus would it kill you to slow down" Splendid shouted as they hit bumps and drove off of hills. "Heh there's no point we're nearly there anyway" Fliqpy laughed. "It was a good thing I put that tracking chip on Flaky when we were in the back of the helicopter just in case the Tiger General split us up, I'm glad I did now" Flippy said as he looked down at his tracking device. 

"Right Fliqpy slow down here otherwise they'll see us coming" Flippy ordered. "You got it" Fliqpy said as pulling on the breaks. The truck came to a harsh stop as the group got out and made their way deeper into the forest keeping as low as possible.

After shuffling through the trees and bushes the group came to a cliff that led down to a clearing before jumping back into the bushes to hide themselves. Just below them was a white building that could have been in a lot better shape. Half the roof was gone while the other half looked like it could collapse at any given moment. A few walls around the building were kicked in too, and over time it had been collecting vines, moss and all kind of other nasty things. 

"Heh I remember kicking two Tiger soldiers through that wall" Fliqpy giggled to himself. 

"Right so do you both remember the plan?" Flippy asked Splendid and Master Monk, who both nodded in response. "Okay let's do this." Flippy did his best to slide down the cliff without being spotted by the guards guarding the ruined shabby old door, he used his bowie knife as support so he didn't go falling off the cliff and grabbing the guards' attentions, it was also so he didn't skid to fast making his presents obvious. 

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