Chapter 15

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[Roc's POV]

I'm so nervous. It's my wedding day today and I'm sweating buckets.

It's been four amazing years for me. And my bestfriends.

Prince got his happy ending because him and Ray Ray got married a couple months ago. And now today it's me. God, I'm as excited as I am nervous.

Since I'm the dominant in the relationship, I'm the one already waiting at the aisle for my groom.

But what if he doesn't come. What if he bails out on me?

"Man, is it just me or is it hot in here?" I muttered wanting to loosen my tie but Princeton gripped me by the shoulders to face him.

"Get a grip Roc, it's your wedding day, meaning you're supposed to have fun. He's gonna be here alright?" He said firmly and I couldn't argue with that tone. I nodded. "Good."

Yeah, Princeton is my best man. I remember when I asked him...

"Prince, can you do me a really, really big favour?" He looked up at me suspiciously.

"If it's to cook for you food you can go do it yourself cause I ain't getting up from this spot. It's too comfy." He was lying on the sofa with his head in Ray Ray's lap and Ray Ray running his hands through his thick curls.

"Please!" He shook his head so I knelt down and started poking his cheek, saying a please with each poke I made. He turned his head to face me with a scowl.

"Stop it!" He yelled swatting at my hand but I kept on with the poking.

"You don't even know what I'm gonna ask you for!" I shouted. He looked at me, dubious, and motioned for me to go on. "Okay, be my best man?" I asked hopefully.

"Ah-hah! See, nothing good, I mean-" He kept on mumbling. I don't think he heard my question. I opened my mouth to ask him again but he beat me to it.

He sat bolt upright and looked at me with wide eyes. "You say what now!" He exclaimed in disbelief.

"Uh, be my best-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because he was squashing me in a bear hug.

"Yes! Yes, I will." He jumped up and started dancing around like a maniac shouting he was going to be a best man at the top of his lungs.

I looked at Ray Ray and we both burst out laughing at Prince's childish excitement. "Thanks Roc." Ray murmured and I just nodded.

Now I know why I chose Prince. He knows me better than anyone apart from my Prodigy, of course. Prince and I had been the closest out of the whole group, still are, and he knows when I need assurance or something. Thank God we're still together, all of us.

[Prodigy's POV]

I thought I'd be nervous today, you know, but I'm not. I'm just excited because after today I'll be known as Craig August.

God, I'm so excited. My happy ending is getting closer or its already here because I got it when Roc asked me to marry him.


We were at the beach at night for a picnic date. The moon was bright and added more beauty to the romantic atmosphere. The stars twinkled in the dark sky. It was a clear night, no clouds obscuring the nights beauty.

"Open up." Roc said and when I did, he threw in a grape. I chewed it slowly, savoring the juice from it.

We took turns in doing this and after I while I played back down after we'd parked all the things back in the picnic basket. Roc stood up sifted through his pockets for something but I was a bit tired so I closed my eyes.

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