Chapter 7

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I think I like Prodigy. Or at least I'm lusting after him. But he's with Roc now and I'd hate to fight with one of my best friends over a guy. That's the only thing that can explain why I stormed out of the meeting when they came out to us.

And now they're being all touchy-feely right now. Ugh! I'm still not talking to them. I can't bring myself to. How can they do that in front of us. In front of me. I don't like it.

Looking at them now makes a lump form at the back of my throat and makes my eyes sting with the threat of tears. But then it also creates a huge ball of fury in my stomach. The mixed reactions are also confusing the hell out of me.

I forced myself to look away from them and at my hands that were gripping the edge of the table so hard that my knuckles turned white.

A sigh escaped my lips and I thought back to that day in London when we were in our dressing room and Prod had been looking at me with an intense stare. I still can't figure out what emotion I saw in his eyes that day. At first I had thought it was lust, you know, like how I feel about him now, but then I dismissed it thinking, 'why would he want me?' I'm just the stick thin guy in the group, so no, it couldn't have been love or lust or whatever. It just couldn't be it, in fact I'm pretty sure that-

A loud moan filled the room and snapped me out of my thoughts.

I snapped my head up to look at the two lovebirds. Man, those guys do get on my nerves.

"Hey! No PDA in the kitchen. We eat in here, y'know." Princeton says from beside me and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. I could kiss him right now. I smiled at him gratefully as a way of saying thanks.

Prince was really handsome and I liked him a lot. Way more than I lust after Prod. But he can't know that. It'll just ruin everything. And he's straight, I think.

I mentally shrugged and turned back to the couple just in time to see Roc slap Prod's butt.

Whoa. I never knew Roc had a thing for bums.


It hurt seeing them together because I wish I had what they had.

I had to do something to make them stop. So I did. The jealousy and envy was almsot overwhelming as I looked at them doing their lovey-dovey stuff. It hurt my heart inside watching Ray Ray's death grip on the table while he glared at Roc.

He's supposed to love me. But you can't force someone to love you back, can you? Nope. It doesn't work that way. It never has and never will.

We would've been good together as a couple. We'd be a better match than him and Prodigy. I just know it.

I think about what Prod said during the interview about having a bromance like Harry and Louis from One Direction and sigh. I will admit that those guys do look cute together, although I'm not sure if they are a couple or not but with they way they acted, they probably were.

And I must admit that Prodigy and Roc look happy. I was glad Prod was finally happy because he gets the most hate out of all of us and it's always hard seeing him sad. But right now he looks over the moon.

Maybe I could come up with a bromance name for them. Proc?... nah, Rodigy?... that sounded like a disease, Proyal?... nope, Royadigy. Ugh! I give up. I'll just ask them.

I just want Ray Ray to love me back. I want him to be my bae.


Later that day, after dinner I went upstairs to have a shower. I grabbed my red towel and headed to the bathroom but I bumped into Ray Ray who was just coming out of it.

He looked at me with those mesmerizing pools of chocolate that are so intense and mysterious but soft. I remember when I fell for those eyes first and whenever I looked into them I felt like I was falling but not anymore.

Now I feel that with Roc. I feel that and even more.

Roc is just..... wow. I can't even find words to describe him. He's so sexy and handsome and cute. His pretty dark hazel eyes, his pink plump lips and his cheek bones. Gosh, don't get me started on that. You know, he could be a model if he wanted to.

Oh hell, I'm turning into a poet just because of him. I chuckled softly thinking about publishing poems about love. I might even be more famous, since I'm a prodigy and all. I chuckled again and almost smiled at Ray Ray but then I remembered him storming out of the meeting room when I came out to the group and glared at him instead.

"Excuse me." I growled and pushed past him into the bathroom.

"Wait!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. "I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to storm out after you told us that you're gay." He continued.

"Save it. I don't want to hear it." I said coldly, tugging on my hand but he didn't let go, if anything, he his grip tightened.

"I'm trying to apologize here, the least you could do is be grateful that I even bothered." He said angrily.

"'The least I could do'" Disbelief coloured my tone because the nerve of him. "Just leave me the hell alone!"

"Fine! I will, you stupid fag." He spat, eyes cold and dropped my hand turning on his heel to stalk down the stairs leaving me standing there too shocked to do anything.

I stood there for what felt like forever before I snapped out of it and turned back to the bathroom to have my shower.

I stood under the hot spray of water, Ray Ray's last sentence going around in circles in my head.

You stupid fag... you stupid fag... you stupid fag... you stupid fag... you stupid fag...

I can't believe he called me that. A lump formed at the back of my throat and tears stung my eyes. That was uncalled for. He didn't even care that the derogatory term would hurt me. My breath hitched and a tear slid down my cheek, merging with the water that was flowing down in rivulets.

'I'm not going to cry', I kept telling myself over and over. 'I'm not gon-' who the hell am I kidding. I lean my head on the glass and let the tears fall unhinged.

My heart is breaking knowing that my best friend hates me. He called me a fag for fucks sake. If that's not hate then I was taught wrong. I knew I wasn't though. You don't call someone that without meaning it in some way.e

I turned and leaned back against the glass wall of the shower stall and slid down it. Pulling my knees to my chest, I rested my head on them. I sat on the floor, huge sobs wracking my body. I'm supposed to be the strong one in the band, the sensible one but everybody has their breaking point I guess.

"Stupid jerk!" I yelled at the empty bathroom, my voice cracking. "This was why I fell out of love with him." The last part comes out in almost a whisper but not quite.

And I'm glad I did. I'm so fucking happy I did because this just shows what kind of guy he is. And as Johnny Depp said; If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second.


I didn't mean to say that. Fuck, I didn't mean to insult him.

It just happened. Fuck, fuck, fuck! He's gonna hate me, and rightly so. I didn't have a right to say that to him.

I didn't mean to call him a fag. I just got angry at him and it just slipped out of my mouth. I tugged on my braids in frustration, I have a habit of doing that when I'm nervous or angry.

I need to apologize.

Having made up my mind, I walk back to the bathroom and stand in front of it. I raise my hand to knock but stop as I hear sobs coming from inside. Then,

"This was why I fell out of love with him."

Wait, what?

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