Chapter 9

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"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"  I screamed at him. My anger exploding.

I was so angry! Wait, scratch that, I was fucking furious, raging, fuming... whatever you wanna call it! How dare him make my baby cry! He had no right whatsoever!

"N-nothing." He stuttered. Yeah, you better be afraid you motherfucking asshole.

"How dare you say that horrible stuff to him!?" I could see the fear in his eyes but there was also a hint of anger and his next words confirmed my suspicions.

 You could see the minute his eyes changed and then he spoke.

"Oh-ho. So the fag told you, did he?" He raised his brows and smirked. I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face, bitch!

Without thinking I clenched my hand into a fist and swung it, hitting him square on his jaw. "Don't you ever fucking call him that." I said icily. He had that coming but damn, my hand hurt like crazy. No wonder they use boxing gloves during those fights on TV. I know it's gonna be bruised in the morning.

But hell if I didn't feel better.


Did he just punch me?

I licked at the corner of my lips and tasted the metallic taste that could only be blood. Oh no you didn't. You don't get away with punching this cute face.

"Don't you ever call him that." He spat coldly. I chuckled humorlessly and rolled my eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do 'coz you ain't my dad and I can talk to that little shit anyhow I want to." I said just as coldly. He glared at me and I could see nothing but hatred in his eyes.

I don't know what's wrong with me but the words are just coming out of my mouth. I want to stop... but I can't.

Okay, this probably isn't a good time to say I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, but there you go, the cat's outta the bag. I haven't told the others this though, and I'm not planing on telling them, ever. It's not something that can exactly come out in normal conversation now, is it, 'hey, can you pass the salt' 'sure here' 'thanks, oh and by the way, I have a personality disorder'. Yeah, no thanks. Ray Ray liked his life just the way it was... well, not like this moment exactly however, generally, he liked how things were and he wasn't keen on altering it anytime soon. Which, revealing his illness definitely would.

And yes, he was a sixteen year old with a personality disorder, so what. It's not like I'm a different person. I'm still the same, I'm still me, apart from when I don't take my pills like today. Shit! He fucking forgot to take his meds.

It's going to get worse, it always does and Roc's gonna hate me for what I say and Prod already hates me but I can't tell them I have borderline personality disorder. I can't tell them. I don't want them to treat me differently after I spill so I'm not telling them.

Or maybe I should? I don't fucking know!


"Why did you call him a fag?" I asked him. I really wanted to know the reason whatever it was.

"I don't know but what I do know is that I love him." I froze. He WHAT!? I looked into his eyes and he stared back at me unflinching. He really did love him but he can't have him. He's mine now. HE'S MINE DAMMIT! I yell at him inside my head but there's a small voice at the back of my mind that whispers, 'but you liked Princeton too'. I ignored it because that was a story for another time but it was still there.

It's Not Wrong To Love You  (boyxboy) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now