Chapter 1

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I fell in love with him during our #1 Girl tour in the UK. The concert was gonna start at 7pm and we were gonna perform at Carpenter Theatre at Richmond CenterStage.

Damn, this was gonna be awesome. I'm so pumped for this.

I head to the dressing room and find Ray Ray dressed in only his pants dancing while listening to music on his ipod that JJ (Janet Jackson) had given us when we opened for her at one her concerts a while back. I can't believe he still has his, I have mine too but Roc and Prince lost theirs.

I looked at the way his biceps flexed when he raised his hands and the way his back muscles contorted and became more pronounced when he danced or when he moved his shoulders. He's not that muscular but he has enough muscles to make him look attractive. I tried to avert my eyes way from his amazing bod- what the hell?! Did I just almost call Ray Ray's body amazing? Shit. This is so not cool. He's my best friend, my very male best friend. Shit!

He bobs his head to the music with his eyes closed and my eyes drifted back to his body. His abs looked firm and I had to fight the urge to walk over there and run my- No! This is not fucking happening! I'm straight! I'm straight and he's straight and he's my best friend, friends don't think about doing that kind of stuff to their best friends. Their male best friends.

I looked back at his face and his lips were pulled up in a smile, they looked really full and lush and ready to be devoured. Oh my God! What the hell am I thinking?! Prod, stop it! I couldn't think straight and I was freaking out inwardly!

Ray Ray on the other hand looked happy without a care in the world but then his phone buzzed and his nose wrinkled cutely- Wait WHAT!? No, not cute. I do not find it cute. He's my band mate, I can't have a thing for him! No, I refuse to feel this way! I will not love him!

I tore my gaze away and went to walk past him but then his arm lightly brushed against mine. Tingles sped up my arm and throughout my body from where his skin had touched mine and I shivered at the feeling. I looked up at him to see if he had felt it too but he was focused on his phone checking out the message or whatever it is that he had received. I sighed, I guess that answers my question then. Wait, why the hell am I feeling sad over this?  It's not like I actually wanted him to actually feel something, right? Right?!

I turned and walked to the snacks table and picked up an apple from the bowl of fruits to distract me and try to calm down and shuffled over to settle in one of the chairs provided for us. I plugged my beats into my ipod and fixed the headphones over my ears. Nothing quite works as well as the music for me when I'm feeling stressed. I listened to Usher pour his heart out in his Confessions while munching on the apple, waiting for Roc and Prince to return from wherever they were.

Ray didn't even pay me any attention and I preferred it that way at the moment because my emotions were currently all over the place. But  back to the topic of Prince and Roc, they have been spending quite a lot of time together recently. They seemed like they were in a relationship or at least heading that way since Roc was gay and Prince was bi. I mean, they might not be dating, after all, just because you're gay doesn't mean that you're going to date the next available guy that happens to cross your path. But, I'd rather focus on that than my own problems for now.

* * *

Valentine's Girl was the song we were singing at the moment and it was Ray Ray's rap coming up. I glanced at him from my place on the far right of the stage and my breath hitched at the way he looked. A light sheen of sweat had settled onto his skin and he had taken his jacket off, leaving his thinly muscled arms on display. His left hand was gripping the mic and his right was in his pointing out at the audience. Okay yeah, I'm definitely a little gay and I had accepted the fact that I actually really liked him. 

He began to his rap and I could literally feel my heart break with every word he uttered, every line he completed because I knew that him and I ain't gonna happen. It wouldn't because he's a guy and I'm a guy and two guys just don't do that.  A guy is supposed to love a girl and vice versa and I accepted it because no matter how much I like or love and want him, he'll never return the feelings and that's okay with me.

I'd fallen for him hard in the course of a few hours. But now, that was impossible. There's no way you can fall for someone in just hour so that only left one other option. Denial. Denial about how I felt about him with even realising it until now. And maybe I was in denial before but now I'm not. I'm not because I know that we will never happen and that he will never love me so I have to let him go. Let these feelings fizzle out before they destroyed me.

*  *  *

Man, I definitely did not see that one coming. I'm in love with my best friend and band mate who is very much straight and also definitely male.

This sucks.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Prince and Roc are in a relationship or at least dating because dating someone doesn't necessarily mean that you're in a relationship with them and I bet they have been for quite a while too. On the bright side, all I have to worry about is keeping my feelings hidden from my band mates and try not to do anything stupid that will give me away.

It's gonna be real hard but I'll deal, after all, I am Prodigy, the master when it comes to learning and adapting to things quickly, hence the name.

Should be easy enough, because if it isn't, then I'm gonna have to watch the one I love find love in another person who is obviously of the opposite gender, that isn't me, watch him have relationship after relationship with other people and that will surely break me.

I won't be able to undertake all the pain and heartache that is sure to come my way because I know for a fact that it will. There's no doubt about that.

There is absolutely no doubt about that.

It's Not Wrong To Love You  (boyxboy) *COMPLETE*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن