After apprehensively taking his hand and being pulled upward carefully, my eyes were glued to the ground.

How did I manage to crash into a guy in the middle of the bush?

"Thanks," I almost whispered. I refused to look up. So I stared at my feet, and his feet. Our feet. I wondered what was wrong with me.

"Not a problem," his voice was kind. "Really it was my fault for standing in your way, I mean I just thought you would realise I was standing there... But you didn't." He paused. "Now your nose is bleeding! I'm sorry, are you alright?" The last bit was rushed, as if he were embarrassed with himself.

Why is this person being nice to me and is embarrassed with themselves in front of me?

Normally, people didn't give two damns about what I thought about them.

I took this moment to look up and meet his eyes. My eyes widened.

It was Daniel Fraser.

I repeat, Daniel. Fraser.

What was he doing here? Why did he have a cute dog? Why was he on the side people of Bristown try to avoid? Why was he near my Stage?

More importantly, why was the most popular guy at Bristown High concerned and blaming himself for hurting me?

Usually, at school, he expected people to move out of his way as he walked with his posse through the hallway.

His dark eyebrows were creased in concern, and the corners of his dark lips were turned down. Could he tell I was freaking out?

Did he know it was me the whole time?

Did he actually care I have a blood nose?

I must be having some whacked up dream

From what I know about Daniel Fraser, he was more intent on caring about whether or not he had a speck of dirt on his perfect face than about anyone else.

Did I just say perfect?

"Ariana, what do you need me to do?"

He said my name.

Oh, shut up Ariana!

"Oh, uh, nothing, I'm fine, I'll just go home," I felt dumb as I stuttered.

"You sure?" He questioned as he leaned slightly closer to get a more clear view of my eyes.

"I'm not lying!" I defended. I leant slightly away, I felt that as any moment he would pull out some rude comment and make me feel like shit, like all the others at school.

"You better not be, Ariana," he smiled, a real genuine smile. "I see you met Alfie," gesturing to the golden retriever, wagging its tail at my feet. Alfie chirped at his name.

"Oh, that's his name," I smiled, I ruffled Alfie's golden fur.

"Well, he's a she," Daniel chuckled. I looked at him with my jaw ajar:


"Alfie is a girl," he nodded while pointing at his happy dog.

"How is Alfie a girl's name?" I laughed.

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