Chapter 1: South-Korea

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After Avery and I finished packing, we went to the airport straight away. The flight was about 14 hours and 30 minutes long. My dad slept through the whole flight. So did my sister. I on the other hand read a book the entire flight. Finally we arrived in Seoul.

"Thank you for flying with Korean Air. We hope you have a nice stay in Seoul!" the woman said through the intercom. We grabbed our belongings and got off the plane. My breath got caught in my throat by looking at the skyline. As if my dad could read my mind.

"It's breathtaking isn't it?" he asked me.

"Yeah, I can't describe it."

The taxi was waiting outside the airport for us. It was a two hour drive to our new house. We had one day to rest. The next were already going to Grieselstate. It's a boarding school, so we're only home during the holidays. My dad talked to Chanyeol's parents, he asked them if we could stay with them during some holidays if he wasn't home. They agreed and said it would be nice to see me again after so many years not seeing me. The taxi stopped in front of our house. It was a gigantic mansion. Dad got out our luggage and payed the driver.

"What do you girls think about it?" dad asked us.

"I love it," Avery answered.

"Me too," I said.

"Well, then. Go inside. Avery your room is on the first floor, the second door to the right. Tess yours is on the top floor," dad said.


My room was gigantic. (see picture)

I especially liked that it was red. Red was my favorite color. I decided to go to sleep early, so that I'd be wide awake tomorrow when I go to my new school.

AN: Please give me tips on how to improve my writing. 

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