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"I have a new job," dad announced.

"That's great dad," Avery and I said in unison.

"Well, for this job I have to go to South-Korea," he informed us, "And you're coming with me."

"What!Why!When!" we yelled, again in unison.

"This job is much better than my old one. Today we're leaving, that's why you should probably start packing," he said.

"Okay," Avery said and went up to her room to pack. I stayed behind.

"Why didn't you tell us before, dad?" I asked him.

"My bosses weren't sure if they were gonna send me. Today I got the message that I was selected."

"What school are we going to?"


"Why does that sound oddly familiar?"

"You remember Chanyeol?"

"Of course, Yeollie! How could I forget him."

"Well, he's going to that school. I especially asked the school board, to put you in the same class as him."

"Okay, I should probably go and pack," with that I left to pack.

AN: My pick for Tessa is the girl in the picture. Of course this is just my vision. You guys can pick who you want as Tessa. It can even be yourself. Hope you liked the prologue. I already have the first two chapter written. I only need to post them. 

XOXO: First Year (Exo fanfic.) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now