~Stiles POV~

"Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia and Rae's clique?" A darker-skinned girl asked Scott and me.

"Because she's hot. Beautiful people herd together." I replied, looking over at Rae, she was talking to Allison and her eyes looked so bright. She was so beautiful. "I mean just look at Rae." I let slip out, blushing slightly. I didn't mean to let that slip. Everyone was supposed to think I was head over heels for Lydia, not her sister.

Scott just let out a knowing smile and a slight chuckle as he looked at Allison.

~Rae's POV~

"So, this weekend, there's a party." Lydia started.

"A party?" Allison asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah. Friday night. You should come." Jackson said as I rolled my eyes at him.  Typical.

"Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking." She said kindly. I could totally tell she was lying, trying to put Lydia down easy.

She could be quite overwhelming.

"You sure? I mean everyone's going after the scrimmage." God Jackson, give it up. If the girl doesn't want to go, the girl doesn't want to go.

"You mean like football?" Allison asked, turning towards Jackson. I smiled slightly, looking down at the ground.

"No lacrosse. We don't really play football here." I told her, smiling. It was a common mistake, lacrosse wasn't usually the main sport in a school.

"Football's a joke in Beacon. We've won the lacrosse state championship for the past three years." Jackson said cockily. He was such an asshat.

Lydia messed with his hair as Allison awkwardly fixed her own. "Because of a certain team captain." Lydia boasted, Jackson's ego inflating even more as I scoffed at both of them.

I get that my sister loved him, but she could do so much better. I could only stand him 2/10 of the time. Ya know, the few times he actually showed he was human.

"Hate to burst your ego bubble Jack, but did you forget you haven't even gone to this school for that long?" I asked him, honestly curious. I wouldn't be surprised if he had forgotten in his air of self-righteousness.

"Sometimes I seriously hate you, Martin," Jackson replied, his usual air of testosterone and cockiness still very much present.

"Right back at cha oh captain, lacrosse captain." I mock saluted him with a stern face before breaking out in a short fit of giggles. Jackson simply rolled his eyes. (If someone doesn't get the reference I will be so upset.)

"Anyways, we have practice in a few minutes. That is if you don't have anywhere else..." He trailed off.

"Well, I was going to-" Allison was cut off by Lydia being Lydia.

"Perfect. You're coming." She said, grabbing Allison's hand and dragging her along. I quickly turned and gave Scott a knowing smile and a nod towards her as she also sent a look towards him. I looked at Stiles for a split second and flashed a Rae Martin smile before turning around and walking away.


~Scott's POV~

"But if you play, I'll have no one to talk to on the bench." Stiles began as we jogged onto the field with our equipment. "Are you really gonna do that to your best friend?" Stiles asked, trying to get me to see reason.

This Isn't The End {Stiles Stilinski}[1]Where stories live. Discover now