Chapter 12- Deceptive

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We boarded the next train to Italy. The train rattled down the tracks and the scenery outside whizzed by faster than I could really register. Eventually, after dubious amounts of tea, I had to use the restroom and I excused myself from the compartment to go and find the powder room.

The young man walking down the corridor directed me to the next cart and helped me pass over to it. As I entered the next cart and continued down that hallway toward the marked restroom door I noticed something. The corridor was eerily quite and after a short pause I concluded that no one was occupying this cart. 

I continued walking down the hall way and I was proven wrong. A door slid open as I walked by and the hand that stuck outside of it grabbed my arm roughly and yanked me into the compartment. I looked up at the face and I was severely startled.  This was a face I had told myself I never wanted to see again. And yet as those plump lips planted themselves on mine I found myself confused about my feelings on the subject.

I heard the door open again and I pushed away roughly as I regained my senses and my eyes fell on Sherlock. For some reason that I can not decide my hurt lurched at the sight of him and I let out a little shriek as I pushed on the man who had just kissed me. Sherlock's face seemed to be in a forced calm and he attacked the man.

There was a flurry of fists and slight grunts as Sherlock planted a few hits that would paralyze the man for a little while. Once he was lying on the ground in shock at how fast his beating had been delivered to him,Sherlock turned to me. 

He sat me down gently on the bench seat and looked at me with his face close to mine. He raised his hand timidly to my cheek and had it there. Peering at me with dark fathomless eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked in concern.

I swallowed and nodded. My eyes glanced to the man lying on the ground. Franco Karlotto eyed me with sharp eyes as a smile spread over his recently blood drenched teeth. He chuckled darkly and Sherlock's eyes followed to where my own pointed. Franco straightened himself still laughing to himself.

"Moved on so quickly, Cameo?" He asked with his thick accent 

"There was nothing to move on from." I growled as I clenched down on my jaw.

"Oh wasnt there?" He chuckled "That kiss said other wise did it not? "

"That kiss meant nothing!" I spat and Sherlock slowly helped me up.

"Perhaps," He glared at me "And yet I am forced to believe that all the time we spent together, making plans and other things... did mean something. Did they not? I wonder how your new friend, Sherlock, would react to that piece of information you have been with holding?"

Sherlocks eyes glanced at me and I struggled under the uncomfortable magnifying glass that his eyes had formed into. My mouth shifted open slightly as I looked at him and then down to Franco.

"I assumed you didnt divulge the fact that you helped out with the entire thing. And knew more of the group than you let on originally. That you knew more of me, the leader of the organisation than you let on." He giggled "I also suppose you didnt tell him how you really got in to the organisation. About you and me?"

I breathed in and glanced around at Sherlock who was staring at me with a strange expression on his face that simply didnt fit. He looked hurt. I startled at the look he was giving me and my mouth gaped open and then closed like a fish gasping for air. 

While I stumbled around for answers I might provide, Franco had gotten to his feet and pulled back the door on the compartment. Letting in cold air as a forest whipped by the train. Together Sherlock and I turned to glare at him and he giggled. 

"Did you know, dearest Sherlock Holmes? That Cameo here had this wonderful idea recently? She comes to me one night and asks me what a great idea it would be to let the greatest detective in Europe onto our trail. Only so that he might stumble and fall through the case and so we might have an even sweeter victory. Isnt that the strangest thing?"

He giggled to himself and turned to eye me with satisfaction.

At that point I finally found my voice. "Its not true. Hes lying. Come now, Sherlock. What evidence does he have to substantiate his claim? You know me better. What logical reason do I have to lie to you?"

His face remained blank as his eyes bounced back and forth on my face like he was trying to read the situation in order to understand it. I had backed up a little too far in front of him, and I noticed too late. Franco's arms wrapped around my middle and he jumped backward out of the train. I let out a scream and flung my arms forward as Sherlock's shocked face leaned out of the train door as he got further and further away from me.

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