Chapter 8-Employing Certain Methods

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As we exited the boat and stepped onto the docks and onto the shores of another country Sherlock seemed to be, once again, deep in thought. We all went and sat on a bench over looking the little fairy boats that were used to cross the waters from England to France. Sherlock let out a sigh and leaned back with great frustration.

"Whats next?" Watson demanded his hands folded onto of one another and resting on his cane at an arms length away.

"Not sure," Sherlock whispered to himself

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I turned sharply toward him "I hate to put pressure on you, but I have impending doom to deal with on my hands and we can never know just how far behind us they really are!"

"Well I have yet to hear any ideas from either of you!" Sherlock snipped with a hard sideways glance at the both of us. 

"Well we know that the information we need is with the Pope." John said as he rubbed a hand through his hair.

"Precisely," Sherlock sighed "How can we hope to reach a man like that with such little evidence on our side and in an entirely different country that is ruled by the church. It is incomprehensible!"

He threw his hands up in the air and slammed himself against the back of the bench in exasperation.

"Thats not necessarily true." I pointed out 

Sherlock's head turned toward me and Watson leaned out of the bench on his cane to crane his head around at me. I shrugged and folded my hands together.

"I dont know why you are limiting yourself so," I commented "Its quite simple. In all of your stories and adventures you wouldnt think to go to the servants first? They are the eyes and ears of a building and a place like the Vatican needs plenty of people to serve them."

"Thats right," Sherlock nodded with an almost shocked expression at me. He stood abruptly and began pacing back and forth in front of the bench. "It is conceivable that all we would really need is to become in a position where we could access the vault of knowledge that the servants carry around and gain access to the Pope himself. How do you plan to extract the information from him?" Sherlock turned toward me

"So we've come to the agreement that I will be a servant to the Pope?" I asked in astonishment looking around at him as he paced the length of the bench just a few feet in front of us.

He stopped and turned, blinking at me. "Do you detest to the proposition? There is no need to worry. Watson and I would secure a position as a servant besides you."

"Oh," I looked around and shrugged. The thought of company made the idea much more sustainable in my mind "Well I suppose I could reach out to the Pope."

"What do you mean?" Sherlock turned toward me

"Did Giuseppe not mention that I looked like his mother?" I commented "I think it would be quite easy to manipulate the Pope simply based on that point. I would remind him of her and I could propose that I wanted to join in on his little group of crusaders. It wouldnt be all that hard to get the rest of the information from him, I dont think."

Sherlock stood squinting at me for a moment, in a sudden movement he clapped his hands together in excitement and began walking off and away from the docks. We followed briskly after him.

"Then its settled." He smiled as he walked with his hands clamped behind his back

"I fail to see how that is, Holmes." Watson said in his monotone voice. The particular one he imitated when dealing with Sherlock. "How are we going to secure ourselves a position at the Vatican?"

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