A attitude just like her mama's. If I did accept that offer, I would miss this little girl so much.

"Oh for real girl?" I asked.

"Child, yes." She replied.

I laughed. She acted just like a grown woman sometimes.

I decided not to even go back to work. I wanted to spend some time with my kids.

A little bit before Jasmine arrived home, I ran her a hot bubble bath, with rose petals and candles everywhere.

When she arrived, she had multiple bags in her hand.

I told her to buy herself something. I ain't tell her to buy the whole damn mall.

"Hey baby." I met her at the door before kissing her lips. 

"Hey my love."

She went and talked to the kids, before heading upstairs.

The kids and Ashton soon left to go to my sisters house.

I walked up to our bedroom, and went into the bathroom. She was already in the tub.

"Damn. You done got in with out me?" I pouted.

She giggled. "Baby this is beautiful."

"Anything for my queen. Now when you get done, get dressed in what ever you bought, and come downstairs." I lent down and kissed her neck.

She nodded. "Yes daddy."

I went back downstairs and finished preparing her favorite meal.

I laid out more rose petals and lit more candles. I put my iPhone in the ihome and turned on some slow jams.

Soon, she came downstairs with a maroon dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Her hair was straight, falling down her back.

She looked so good.

"Damn girl." I breathed.

She gave me butterflies.. still.

She spun around.

"You like?" She grinned.

"Hell yeah, I like." I bit my lip.

I grabbed her hand and led her into the dining room.

"Chresanto this is stunning baby." She smiled.

"All for you, Ma." I kissed her lips, biting her bottom one.

I pulled out her seat for her before sitting across from her.

After eating, I just kept staring at her.

"So what's for dessert daddy?" She smirked.

"Me." I smirked.

"Mm, I could get with that." She smiled.

I handed her a bag. It was filled with a Rolex watch and a Pandora bracelet.

"Happy Birthday, Princess."

She smiled, "Chresanto, baby my birthday isn't for another month."

I sighed. I knew I couldn't hold off any longer. I had to tell her. My stomach was doing flips.

"That's the thing. I won't be here with you, to celebrate." I sighed.

Her smile faded. "W- what do mean Chres?"

"I got an offer to expand my business some more with Carter Jacobs."

"That's Great baby." She reached over the table to peck my lips.

"But theres a catch Jasmine. I would have to relocate to Europe." I said quietly. "This is a great opportunity for me. For my business. For us.

"Chresanto, we have two children, one on the way and you just wanna up and leave to Europe. I don't think so."

"Can you at least think about it?" I asked.

"Sure." She smiled. "Okay, I thought about it. I'm not letting you leave me."

"Do you know what you would be leaving behind? Me. Your kids. Your unborn son. Why do you wanna leave your family? Huh? Chresanto is there another woman?"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Jasmine did you really just ask me that? Y'know I would never step out on you." I yelled.

I was getting really irritated.

"Damn. Im sorry that I just want to give you and the kids what y'all deserve. Y'know what forget that I said anything." I  got up and grabbed my keys.

I hopped in my Mercedes and sped off. I decided to go for a drive to clear my head.

I knew Jasmine would act like this.

I didn't want to leave her. I didn't want to leave my kids. She didn't want me to leave her. She didn't want me to leave the kids. So I just wouldn't leave.y

I felt bad for walking out but I was just irritated at the moment.

After spending some time with myself, I decided to go back.

The house was dark but the music was still playing.

I turned the living room lamp on and noticed Jasmine, asleep on the couch.

"Baby." I caressed her skin.

She stirred a little before sitting up.

"Baby." She smiled.

"I'm sorry." We both said in unison.

"I won't go, if you really really really don't want me to." I sighed, caressing her cheek.

"Chresanto, I don't want you to go. But I don't want to you to resent me. So with that being said, it's your decision. And if you decide to go, you must promise to be here for our son's birth." She said.

"Definitely, I wouldn't miss it for anything. I have two weeks to make a decison though."

I kissed her lips.

Lord what am I supposed to do?

A few days later...

I received a call from Mr. Jacobs.


"Ah yes Mr. August. I have a deal for you. You go to Europe for seven months. Expand your business as much as you can. Come back after your seven months are up?"

I liked the sound of that. That was way better than two years.

"I'll take it." I said.

Jasmine said it was my decision so I made my decision and I was gonna go to Europe.

His Life |Sequel To His Assistant|Where stories live. Discover now