"I'm gonna give that bat a piece of my mind!!!!!!!" Pink Diamond replied.

Before Pink Diamond could storm out, Discord caught up to her and put his paw on her shoulder.

"If you do that she's gonna kill you. I know you're upset and want to take action, but we need a plan. And luckily for you I have a plan." Said Discord.

"What plan would that be?" Asked Ana as she and CCC caught up to them in the hallway.

Discord explained the entire plan and what he needed the girls to do for tonight. They were skeptic at first, not knowing for sure if it will work. But Discord assured them that the plan will work and without wasting time, they put the plan into action! Making sure that every detail was correct before Flutterbat awoke.

~~~~In the evening~~~~

Flutterbat heard the door closing from her bedroom and looked up. She noticed that she was in her bedroom and looked around in a confusing manor. She noticed a note on her dresser. Flutterbat got up from her bed and opened the note. It said;

Come to the dining room.
I have a surprise for you.

When Flutterbat read the last sentence, she could feel her heart soar! She flew to the door and was about to open the door, but she stopped. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed that her mane was a mess. And since Discord was planning a surprise for her, she decided to wear one of her dresses and fix her mane. After she was done she opened the door and saw a trail of red rose petals leading to the dining room. Flutterbat felt a shiver down her spine and took a deep breath.

She followed the trail of rose petals to the dining room and when she entered the room, her jaw dropped. The table was covered with a banquet of all of her favorite food and Discord was at one end with a black tux and a rose in his mouth. Flutterbat couldn't help but blush as she took a seat at the other end of the table.

"I see you got the note." Discord said.

"I did, yes. But shouldn't this be the other way around?" Flutterbat asked.

"What do you mean?" Discord asked.

"Shouldn't I be doing this for you? I mean, you are my guest after all." Flutterbat said as she took a bite of her food.

"Yes. But you are my future wife, are you not? So therefore I should be doing this for you." Discord replied as he took a bite of his food.

Flutterbat almost choked on her food the second that she heard 'future wife'. She was so surprised that Discord was ok with this.

"I'm surprised at you Discord! At first when you excepted my proposal, you weren't happy about it. But now you seem completely ok with it!" Flutterbat said as she took a sip of her drink.

"I adapt easily. Besides. I can't be miserable for all my life and I have to get along with you at some point so, might as well be now." Said Discord at he lifted his drink in the air. "To the future!"

"To the future!" Said Flutterbat.

From that moment on, Discord and Flutterbat spent the night talking and telling each other jokes. When they were done with dinner Ana, CCC, and Pink Diamond helped clear the table. Discord was getting tired and Fkutterbst noticed.

Love will find a way (Fluttercord fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now