"If we go slowly, I think so. Yep."



He grabbed my mitten hand and squeezed it as we made out way out the warm house and into the frosty air outside. I took in a deep breath, the air felt crisp and clean. I smiled to myself and Jimin dragged me through the busy city streets at a pace that didn't make me too tired.

The park isn't that far away from the house and it was only a 10 minute walk, it took us 20 minutes because of my pace but at least I'm not that tired.

We entered the park gates and surprisingly the park was almost empty apart from the odd dog walker or jogger, we were the only people here. I led Jimin to a part of the park I loved, still hand in mitten. It was on the other side of the park and was covered by trees which acted like a screen, blocking us off from the park and the people there.

"Wow..." Jimin mumbled as he took in the area.

It was like a round patch of grass surrounded by blossom trees and bushes. Everything today though had a white tinge to it as everything was frosted over. The grass and bushed looked white and the blossoms and the trunks had white patches every so often, making the small pink flowers look even more pale but nice.

I went to the middle of the patch taking Jimin with me and sat down on the frosted grass. I couldn't even feel the cold through all my laters. He looked at me as if I was crazy to be sitting in the cold floor but I just stared up at him, still holding his hand and smiling. He looked down at me and raised an eyebrow before I pulled his arm weakly and he sat down cautiously.

I let go of his hand and turned around, I laid back and rested my head on Jimins crossed legs, moving mine so my knees were in the air and my feet were flat on the ground. My legs weren't layered so I didn't want them touching the grass.

I stared up at him and he stared down at me again. I giggled and looked around. "Like this place?" I asked.

He looked around also and breathed deeply. "It's amazing Kookie. How did you even find it?" He asked, stroking my forehead again mindlessly. One of his little habits that I was grateful he had.

"I use to come to this park a lot on my own when I was younger. I was trying to go somewhere secluded and I accidentally found this place. I come here a lot now days, before I got ill. It's so pretty and peaceful here, good for thinking." I explained, he nodded every few words making so I know he's listening.

"You have lots of areas you know of and go there to think. The roof, here, your balcony which I still don't know how you get there. There's no door." He chuckled.

"I climb out the window and go onto the balcony." I said as if it was nothing. He quickly turned to look at me shocked.

"You climb out the window?! That's so dangerous! There's a reason there's no door leading to the balcony and you climb out the window instead?!" He shook his head. "What are you like?"

I laughed at his last comment. "I'm special, that's what." He hummed in agreement.

I closed my eyes and just relaxed properly for the fist time in two months. My head in Jimins warm lap and his even warmer hand tracing the side of my forehead in a soothing repeating motion. Us surrounded by beautiful trees and nature that looked stunning with a tint of frost.

This is my paradise.

But of course. It was cut short because nothing can be that good for that long with me could it.

The lower half of my torso suddenly went into sharp spasms that intensified with time. I gasped and clutched my abdomen area. It was no use since the pain went from my front right through to my back. I choked out a cry of pain and rolled over onto my side.

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