Chapter 22

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Jessie's POV.

"ARGH" I scream as the unbearable pain shoots in my head. I wrap my hand around my head.


I barely have time to do understand what's happening before everything goes black...


I look around the club for Danny but he's no where to be seen.

Tom is keeping an eye on everything and Will is on the dancefloor. I look around and try to find Dan, I see him at the opposite side of the crowed room so I attempt to push past everyone to get to him.

He sees me and comes over to pull me out from the dancefloor.

"Thanks, Dan" I smile at him

"It's fine, you'll just have to pay me back later" He says with a wink.

"I don't mind" I laugh as we both head over to the bar.

After ordering my drink all I can think of is Danny, I've barely had anytime with him together over the past few days  because of constant individual photoshoots and interviews etc.

"Come with me" He says as he puts his drink down on the bar and leads me astray. I keep his hand together with mine and squeeze it as we push through all the sweaty bodies on the dance floor.

He leads me into an alley outside the club. I know exactly what he was planning so I go along with it. I lean back against the closest wall and oull him against me.

"How did you know what I had planned?" He smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me closer. Mine slip to the back of his neck and I can feel his hot breath against my skin.

"Must have picked up your superman powers" I say, "I am Lois Lane after all"

"Nah, you're far too sexy" He mutters, seductively.

He leans over and goes in for a kiss when we hear footsteps. He quickly pulls away and keeps his distance, just in time to reveal a young girl around 16.

"Oh my gosh! You're Danny from the Script and Jessie J, I love you both!!" She screams, causing us both to smile.

"Hi gorgeous" Danny says, and I swear I could punch him right now. But because no one knows about us being together yet, i'll let it slide as he has to act like that.

The girl just about melts.

We both gave her a hug and got a picture with her. She gave Danny one final hug which lasted to long for my liking before she ran off.

"Where were we?" Danny growled and pushed me up against the wall again.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me so he could kiss me.

"I'm sorry but I was wondering if- WHAT THE HELL!" The girl had came back again so I quickly push Danny away and bite my lip as I do when i'm nervous.

"Hi there, again" Danny says while rubbing the back of his neck, awkwardly.

"What was you doing with him?!" She turned at me and snapped.


She's a crazed Danny fan who doesn't seem to like us together.

"I to kiss him?" I try and her face fills with rage.

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