Chapter Twelve

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Danny's POV (Omg i know)

I hear someone in the kitchen.

I cupboard opens then slames shut and then footsteps on the stairs.

I sit up and strech noticing the TV was still on. I must have dropped off in front of it. Ouch, why did Rose let me sleep on the sofa?

I turned the TV off. The house is filled with silence.

I go into the kitchen and get a drink, slamming the cupboards louder than I intended to. "Whoops" I walk back into the living room. I laid back down on the sofa looking out the window, the rain peacefully hitting the window.

I hear the door upstairs shut and footsteps getting closer to me. I wait a moment then head into the kitchen.

I hold back a gasp by biting my lip when I saw Jessie stood there. Her beautifully curved body facing me.

Deep breaths.

"Hey Jessie," i said sounding tired as I walked into the kitchen trying to keep calm, she didn't reply so I continue talking, "Why are you up so late?"

I try to walk to the fridge but before I got there I was spun around.

"J-" I start but before I could say anything else she pressed her lips against mine.

I push her up against the fridge without thinking. Her lips moving in sync with mine and without thinking about it my hands slip down to her waist. Just like they use to.

She puts her hands on my bare chest and I take this opportunity to take it further. I take away my lips and press them on her soft spot on her neck, nipping slightly. Her nails dug in my chest.

What am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this, but I needed the feeling of her lips against mine again. I miss her.

I take a deep breath stopping myself from gagging on the strong scent of vodka.

Oh God no, please no.

I push her off with all my strength, my mind wanted it to carry on but I knew it couldn't.

"Have you been drinking?" I ask, trying to stop my voice from breaking. She gives me a confused look so I carry on, "you stink of Vodka"

I notice her staring at something, I turn to see an empty bottle. I rush over and grab it.

"You drank all of this?!" I shout.

"No," she said far too quickly for me to believe it, "I spilt some" How did she expect me to believe that?

"How the f*ck are you still standing?!" I snarl with tears building up in my eyes. I start to shake so I drop my head into my arms.

"Danny I-" she starts but i'm too pissed to talk her right now.

"F*ck it! Just go lay down because you'll end up throwing up or passing out in a minute" I say.

"F*ck you too!" She snaps back at me before I hear her take another bottle and go upstairs.

Tears stream down my face, I'm am idiot. I wipe my eyes and try to keep the sobs silent. I wish I didn't stop her now, but what if she was as drunk as I thought? That makes me feel awful.

Why did she start drinking in the first place? When Jessie's drunk she does either one of two things. Her first option, she will get a little drunk and will act on the emotions she's already feeling. Which is what i'm wishing for. But her second option, she'll do something that she would never do. Then she'll wake up the next morning, with no idea what happened the night before.

I slide down the counter and sit on the floor. My sobs keep coming, this can't be happening. Ever since that stupid car crash. I swear i'll never let her travel alone again, but she needs to remember me first...

I go to bed not long after in fear of Rose or Jessie seeing me red eyed and puffy.


I wake up the next moring and wash my face. I look half decent after last night. I head downstairs where Rose had cooked breakfast, I love her like my own Mum now. She accepted me straight away when I got together with Jessie. Especially after everything that's happened, she's almost been my rock.

"Morning darling" Rose greets me.

"Morning Rose" I smile at her

Her and Jessie are already sat at the table, leaving me with the only seat left. Opposite Jessie.

"Morning," I say avoiding eye contact with her, "sleep well?"

"Okay thanks," she mumbles, "can I ask you something?" she asks.

I nod and look up from my plate. My eyes tried to search hers for some sort of emotion, however she was avoiding my eyes.

"Do you know what happened last night?" She asked and I felt Rose staring intensly at us both making me feel uncomfortable. I knew it, she was option 2 kind of drunk. I felt a piece of my heart break.

"No sorry" I lied, I couldn't tell her. Especially in front of Rose even though she could tell something was going on. "I'll be right back" I rush uptairs and slam my door,

I lay on my bed and come to the realisation Jessie will never remember me.

I hear a knock on my door and Rose appeared.

Time to tell her what happened...

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