Chapter Two

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Jessie’s POV

I wake up and see my Mum has left me alone with Danny again. Why does she trust him? I don’t know him, for all I know he could hurt me! But he is quite hot, wait no, I can’t say that. I notice that he was curled up in a ball on the chair in his sleep. His face seems to be in pain and he’s moving around quite a bit, and mumbling.

“No you can’t…No…but Jess…” Why was he dreaming about me? And why do I like that fact that he was? Suddenly he fell off the chair when my mum walked in the room. The doctors have said I could go home today.

“Are we in London?” I asked, directing it at neither of them in particular.

“Yeah, we have a flat about 15 minutes from here” (Danny)


“Um, yeah, we share a flat because we are…best friends” He said as he walked over to the window with a sigh. My mum walked past him and patted his back as she came over to me. My mum has already explained to me that we worked together on The Voice, so that’s why we’re so close.

It goes silent and I hear snuffles coming from Danny, “I um, I’ll be right back” his voice sounded shaky as he turned to walk out the room.

Why do I feel upset that he’s left me? This is ridiculous. I try to focus my mind on other things when my Mum says she is going to come to stay with me and Danny for a while, this makes me less nervous but upset too. I wanted private time with him…wait no I don’t.

The week slowly passes, it’s a bit awkward. Danny barely looks or speaks to me.

“Mum, why won’t Danny talk to me?” I asked my mum whilst he was upstairs in the shower.

“You and him were very close, I think he’s just upset Jess” My mum responds as she moves the hair off my face. She then goes into the kitchen, although I have been here for a week I still haven’t looked around the place properly.

I walked slowly around the living room, looking at the pictures when one catches my eye. I pick it up to look, it was me and Danny. We were smiling widely and sat down on the couch, he had his arm around me and my arm was resting on his chest. Wow, maybe we were closer than I thought...

I heard him coming down the stairs so I quickly placed the photo frame back where I found it. I turned around as he walked into the room with only a towel around his waist. I never noticed how good his body was…


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it's boring or too short, i'm hoping to make it better soon! I wanted to get a chapter up now though, so I could work on the next.

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