THE BIG FOUR STORY: Chapter 10 - New Adventures

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Rapunzel's P.O.V

     “Good morning Jack Frost.” I yawned. He smiled at me softly and nodded towards the door. “Come on lets go outside.” He stated as he grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs. “Jack slow down!” I tried. Jack suddenly stopped and faced me. “Almost forgot, may I have my staff back now?” He asked politely. “Somebody is trying a bit too hard now.” I stated with a smirk. “I’m just being a gentleman.” Jack scoffed. “Alright let me go get it.” I stated. I turned towards the dresser and opened it. I paused for a moment before I reached in and picked up the staff. “He’s going to leave now, isn’t he?” I thought to myself. Jack coughed lightly causing me to snap back to reality. “Sorry.” I apologized as I handed him my staff. “No worries Punzie.” He said as he twirled his staff. “Now come on it’s about time you saw some real snow!” He shouted as he pulled me towards the window. “Jack wait! I can’t!” I tried. “What do you mean?” He asked. “I’m not supposed to leave the tower.” I answered as I grabbed a strand of my hair. “Why not?” Jack questioned. “Um well it’s just that there’s………… horrible things out there!” I tried. “You don’t seem like that type to be afraid of the world.” Jack alleged. “I am not afraid of the anything especially not the world!” I shouted. Jack jumped back a little as I blew up. “It’s just mother forbids it and well it’s not safe for me.” I explained. Jack nodded in understanding. “Is it because of your hair?” he suddenly asked. “Right you saw all of that earlier with mother.” I remembered as I gently tapped my forehead in frustration. “That’s supposed to be a secret.” I explained. “Well it’s not anymore, at least to me.” Jack stated as he jumped onto the window sill. “So have you never been outside the tower before?” Jack asked as he stared out the window. “Nope.” I answered. Jack’s eyes widened as he faced me. “You’ve never wanted to leave?” He inquired. “I have especially on my birthday.” I clarified. “Why especially on your birthday?” Jack questioned. “Well because there’s these lights that … well they float up into the sky. I can’t help but feel like they’re for me.” I tried. Jack tilted his and nodded. “Oh you mean the lanterns for the lost princess.” Jack stated. “You’ve seen them!” I shouted then I quickly covered my mouth to silence myself. “Yeah.” He whispered as he pointed towards Mother’s room. “Right we should be quiet.” I agreed. “So why are they for the lost Princess?” I asked eager to know more. “Well I don’t exactly remember but I think it’s because she disappeared when she was very young.” Jack stated. “Oh.” I huffed. “Anyways come on lets go.” Jack assured as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up on the window sill. “But Jack what if Mother wakes up?” I tried. “Don’t sweat it now jump.” Jack said as he pushed the small of my back causing me to fall out the window.  “Jack! What are you doing?!” I shouted. I heard a genuine laugh and felt a strong pair of arms around me. I opened my eyes and saw Jack holding me. “Relax Punzie I got you.” He laughed. Jack slowly flew to the ground and let me down. The moment he did I immediately started flailing my arms around hitting. “If you ever do that again so help me! You are so lucky I don’t my frying pan right now otherwise you would be dead Mister Jack Frost!” I shouted. After I lowered my arms Jack fell to the ground and started laughing uncontrollably. “You should have seen your face Rapunzel. Ah goodness it was perfect!” He laughed. “Shut up.” I retorted. As he settled down I took that moment to look around.  It was a flourished area and a small creek pushed down it. I dug my toes into the grass, and breathed in the clean air. “So Rapunzel-“ Jack tried but I started running in the opposite direction. “This is incredible!” I shouted as I jumped into the creek causing the hem of my dress to get wet. I took a hand full of water and threw it into the air. I then ran towards a small pasture of flowers and launched myself onto it. I sniffed the sweet smell of the flowers and rolled onto my back so I was looking up at the clouds. ”Enjoying yourself?” Jack asked as he sat down next to me. “Oh yes most definitely!  I’m never going back this is all so wonderful.” I explained. “I’m glad.” Jack added as he lay back with his arms behind his head. “Aren’t you going to ask about my hair?” I piped. He shrugged and turned his head to me. “I figured you’d tell me if you wanted to.” He said. My eyes widened in shock, I expected him to interrogate me about it but he seems so cool about it. “Oh.” I stated. “Well mother says that when I was little people tried to cut it. But once it’s been cut it loses its power and turns brown.” I explained as I pulled back my hair revealing a short strand of brown hair. He sat up to examine it. “So what exactly does your hair do?” Jack asked as he grabbed a strand of my hair and gently stroked it. “Well it has healing properties, at least whenever I sing.” I explained. “Ah so you were born with it?” He asked as he released the strand of hair and stood up. “Yes.” I answered. Jack extended his hand to me and I grabbed it. He pulled me up and smiled. “Come on let’s go have some fun.” Jack said.

These characters are in no way mine. No copyright infringement is intended, all characters are owned by either Disney or Dreamworks.

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