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Mason was relentless.
I sat beside my bed, and he knocked on my bedroom window. Thankfully, I had locked it the night before. However, I didn't close the curtains. I had a feeling he would try to crawl through it. After five minutes of sitting outside, I thought he would have given up, but he hadn't. Quietly, I crawl across my bedroom floor until I reach the door. Slowly, I turn the door knob and then crawl out into the hall. Once out of the view of my bedroom window, I stand up. Letting out a deep sigh I contemplate on sleeping in Brandon's room. Expect that would require me to wake him up. So I go with my other option. I crack open Colton's door. To my surprise, the lamp on his nightstand was still on. 

Colton, however, had his left arm stretched across his eyes and his right arm over his head. I took this moment to admire the tattoos on his right side. I hadn't noticed them before. Damn, he had a nice body. I shake the thought out of my head and step further into his room. Quietly, I close and lock the door behind me. God knows what Brandon would do if he walked into his room to find me lying in bed with Colton. He would get the wrong idea. I tiptoe towards Colton's bed and whisper his name.

 "Psst," I call. Still, I receive no answer. Sighing, I decide to turn off his lamp. I pull the cover back on his bed and climb underneath them. This causes him to stir. He pulls his arms away from his head. "Savannah?" His voice was groggy. "Shh, I can't sleep," I whisper, laying my head on the pillow. He doesn't seem to register this fully, but he nods, closing his eyes. His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. I think about pushing him away, but strangely enough, it was comforting. "Hmm, you smell nice," Colton whispers after a moment. I let out a small chuckle. "Whatever you say, Collins," I reply. The corner of his lip tugs up into a smile. 

After a moment, his face relaxes again. I take this time to observe him. He looked peaceful when he slept. It made me wonder how his parents would be okay with tossing their child aside. Even though my parents can be a pain in my ass, they still loved me unconditionally. Colton's parents had to have loved him, right? You can't love someone for almost 18 years and then suddenly stop because of a divorce. And as much as I hated to admit this, Colton was a good person. Yes, he was an ass but he defiantly a good person. I hold my breath when he starts to stir. After a moment, he stops, but his hold around me tightens. It was as if he was checking to see that I was still there. The idea makes me smile.

 Colton used to be this tall, skinny, awkward kid who would come around to hang out. He was funny and always made me laugh. For a while, I will admit I had a crush on him. But around sixth grade, he started to distance himself from me. Eventually, when puberty hit, we weren't friends anymore. Instead, he became a pain in my ass. Though it wasn't wholly his fault, we weren't friends anymore. Brandon played a role in it as well. This included myself. By high school, I already had a group of friends. Colton was a jock who liked to sleep with girls. The thought of his colorful relationships with girls makes me grimace. 

Colton stirs again. His face scrunches up. Hesitantly, I run my thumb across his eyebrow. It was something my mother used to do when I was younger. It comforted me. Slowly, he relaxes again as I continue. I breathe out slowly. I run my fingers through his hair. It felt soft against my fingertips. I continue to play with his hair until I drift off to sleep. 

Sometime later, I woke up to the sound of Brandon getting into the shower. I open my eyes to find Colton still sleeping. His lips formed into a slight pout. I smile at him, then slowly lift his arm from my waist. I climb out of bed and walk across his room. I unlock the door and walk into my room. I discard my pajamas and toss them into the dirty clothes hamper. I change into dark blue skinny jeans and a tee shirt. I tuck the front of the tee into my jeans. After I pulled my hair into a high, messy ponytail, I decided not to do my make-up, so I left my bedroom. Brandon walks out of the bathroom at the exact moment. "Why are you all dressed up?" I ask, referring to his khaki pants and blue button-up shirt. "First game of the season." He replies. I nod thoughtfully. He steps around me, running down the stairs. 

I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I rinse my mouth, then dry my face. After I'm finished, I make my way downstairs. Brandon was in the kitchen preparing himself a bowl of cereal. "What time is the game?" I ask. I grab instant strawberry oatmeal from the cabinet. "About 6:30 pm," Brandon replied. He shoved a spoonful of food into his mouth. I pour milk into my oatmeal and put it into the microwave. "It's it at home?" I ask. Brandon grunts in reply. I pull my oatmeal out and sit down at the bar. I look up from my bowl when Colton stumbles into the kitchen. His eyes instantly meet mine. I feel my cheeks redden, so I look down at my bowl. I force a few bites down my throat. 

"Do you know how to tie a tie?" Colton asks Brandon. I saw that Colton was also wearing a pair of khakis, but he wore a black button-up shirt. Brandon shakes his head, pulling on his navy blue tie. It pops off of his collar. I roll my eyes. Of course, it was a clip-on. Colton huffed, tossing the tie on the island. "I guess I'm not wearing one." He mumbles. Brandon stands up from the bar stool. "I might have an extra one. Let me check." He states. He sets his bowl in the sink and leaves the kitchen. I can feel Colton's eyes as I stand up from my stool. "So, you slept in my room," Colton states. I nod my head, setting my bowl in the sink. "Why?" He asks. He cocks his head to the left with a questioning look on his face. 

I sigh, grabbing his tie off the island. I pull the tie around his neck. Colton locked eyes on me as he watched me do his tie. "I couldn't sleep." I finally admit in a whisper. I look up at him to find his eyes searching mine. I look away, adjusting his collars. "Well, then, I'm happy to have helped you." He whispers. I smile softly at him. I take a step back, admiring the grey tie. "My work all done," I say. He looks down at his tie and smirks. "Thank you." He says. I nod my head. His eyes lock with mine again. I feel my heart thumping in my chest. Why was he looking at me like that? "I couldn't find anything," Brandon announces. I step away from Colton as he steps into the kitchen. 

He looks at Colton to find that he already has a tie around his neck. "Your sister knows how to tie ties," Colton remarks with a smirk. Brandon raises his eyebrows at me. "Impressive." He nods. I couldn't help but feel a little proud. "Right, well, we should leave before we are late," Brandon announces, leaving the kitchen. I'm taken by surprise when Colton kisses the side of my head. He pulls back and smiles at me. "I like my clothes on you, Hastings." He grins and then leaves the kitchen. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. My heart is still pounding in my chest. Why the hell do I find myself feeling confused?

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