Glitchpad Follower Problem

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Warning: slight venting ahead. But please read the first part at least, it's kinda important.

So, for the last few months now Glitchpad hasn't let me follow almost anyone. I mean, I can hit the follow button, but as soon as I back out of the page it unfollows them, like I never hit the button. So, because of that, I'm not able to follow the people who follow me!! I'm SO SORRY! I am trying my best, but I can't follow anyone!! It hurts me because in my bio I promise to follow back whoever follows me, and I can't fulfill that promise because stupid Wattpad won't let me! Sorry for the little vent, I just am starting to get really annoyed. I thought it would be one of those things that passes, but no. And it's still going. Idk if I'll ever be able to follow anyone again, ever! I just want to smash my phone when I get like, five new followers that I can't follow. It gets on my nerves and I just want to cry because I'm basically lying to my followers to are just trying to get another follower to complete their goal, or trying to get me to follow them, or something!
Again, I'm really sorry for the rant. I love you guys, and I'm not looking for attention, I just wanted to... I guess I just wanted to apologize.
So I'm sorry.
I wish I could give you all another follower, but I can't.

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